III - Ditching

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I was left with my train of thoughts last night - I couldn't sleep with the tormenting thoughts of the other woman. I have never been so attracted to such darkness. All my life, I've liked guys who seemed either popular or so bright. A personality that is so dark was never on the list.

Do I even like girls?

Probably not.

I plopped in bed, my back resting on the soft mattress. Meanwhile, my insides were bantering with my mind, whether it was just a simple attraction or actually me liking how bold and calm she was.

"Can you believe that she actually made fun of Eric right in front of me?". I spoke, shrugging my head as I talked to my best friend on the phone.

The line went silent, but then I heard her giggle.

"What's so funny?".

"Eric's face, you know I kinda only regret one thing, not taking a picture of his face, he almost wanted to cry. 'Do I look like an idiot to you?' ". My best friend mocked the way Eric spoke, which left a soft chuckle to escape my lips.

"I feel bad". I admitted, "The guy came all the way to ask me out, and then he gets embarrassed like that".

"Do you know what surprises me even more?". Rosè questioned, making me mutter a 'What?'.

"How you didn't stand up for your crush and chose to stick with the words of the woman with bangs".

"Is that what we're going to call her now? The woman with bangs?".

"Probably what I would call her. I think you should call her; The Woman Of Magical Hands". Chaeyoung teased, "And why do I get to call her that?". I asked.

"You're so into her".

"I don't think so, and what proves that to you?".

"Your kind of - intimidating silence". My best friend said so easily, "When she spoke, your expression turned from 'I'm the girl who is very independent, to the girl who's knees became so weak because of seeing Barbie' ".

My cheeks heated up but I couldn't stop myself from laughing. This idiot I swear.

"Excuse you, the only idiot here is you". I could feel her smirk proudly through the phone.


"Want to ditch?". I asked, knowing the answer already. "Ditch what? Oh please don't tell me school".

I stayed silent and bit my lip from smiling, Chaeyoung sighed heavily.

"You know I hate that hell, but I really can't. I'm currently partnered up with another idiot from Eric's group, so I'm thinking to start tomorrow with the stupidly - useless project".

"Understandable, I'm going to ditch the awkwardness of seeing Eric tomorrow in school and actually go to the library". I admitted softly.

"Oh, I see where this is going".

"You're going to go see the woman with bangs again, aren't you?". Rosè asked suspiciously.


"Don't even try to lie, I know you so well Jennie. And the last time I checked, you were head over heels over Eric". I knew my best friend was confused as well as me, but I'm just certainly so conflicted with myself.

"True, but I don't really think it's what you think".

"Yeah sure, but if I find out you're lying, I'm letting you buy me a big pack full of donuts".

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, "Sure".

What could possibly go wrong?

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