XVII- Not Again

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It was something I couldn't control. And, I do maintain it at times, but mostly it was just there blinding my eyes like a shadow.

"Lisa". Jisoo called from behind, making me stop in my tracks.

"Don't let anger get to you again".

I turned my head in her direction, a puzzled look grazing my face as I held my hand that was shaking aimlessly. My eyes met the ground, the conflict that lived beneath my heart, made fire rise, and groom from the darkest corner of my organ. Was my heart meant to beat this way?

"Anger isn't the solution".  She tried to remind me.

I shrugged my head, "Anger could be optional to break not mend Jisoo". I looked back at my best friend. A look of dissatisfaction written on her face. "And what do you want to break this time huh?". She crossed her arms, whispering every word slowly, making it clear to me, "Break yourself, or go after making this girl fall in love with you just so you see her break. Isn't that how you get satisfied?".

I remained silent.

"Lisa, you're better than this—". I slammed my hands on the table in front of me. "I'm better than letting people in Jisoo".

"And we all have one fate. Only one truth bringing the similarity of us being humans". I faintly smiled, "Remember when she called me a monster Jisoo?".

I shrugged my head, holding the doorknob like a sinner who was holding onto the last edge of a halo. My knuckles became white as I added pressure on the metal.

"I remember it as clear as a picture". Tears swelled on eyes - but my best friend wasn't able to see them because I gave her my back. "No matter how much I tried to erase that memory, it remained there". I pointed at my head.

"In the back of my head". And like a lifeless robot, I stumbled off, holding the wall as I walked out of the apartment.

I was blinded by my tears this time, and did humanity ever try to see right through a cage? To save a bird from a cage, hold it, and give it comfort when that's all it ever wanted.

I was guided by the flame, of ending lives. But who will save mine?

No feelings should be involved, and that's how I've lived. Years mark my heart with the tint of healing - a bullet pulling my mind into the scent of death. For the last time, I remind myself; Don't feel.

You shouldn't feel.

They were humans, weak enough to the spot. But, I'm just an assassin. Emotions weren't in my system and I'm the humankind; of destruction.

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