XXI- You're Weak

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Warning: Suicide Attempt


Here goes the same feeling I've felt years ago. The feeling of wanting to end something that was worthless, someone who didn't understand the vivid image of being alive.

My lungs begging for air once again, begging me to stop it. To stop the pain for once. My head sinks a little, so does my heart. The door opens, Lisa standing there with the most unreadable expression watching me.

She crossed her arms and walked closer, her footsteps making me desire the pain of ending it all, instead of facing her raw eyes once again.

"If suicide is an option to you, then go ahead and do it". She wickedly smiled, "But you know that you won't do it because deep inside it isn't a solution".

She lifted me up and looked deep into my teary eyes. "A friend of mine once said; Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary situation". Lisa's words embraced the negativity inside my head.

I wiped my eyes, watching the way my eyes captivated her pierced gaze. "You know better than saving me Lisa, tell me. Why do you do it every time?".


Lisa didn't answer or speak. Her eyes were holding my question into the back of her head. Something about her gaze made me want to find answers. "Why would you save a soul like mine?".

The woman in front of me had such a sharp look, that made my skin shrink. She parted her lips, her voice this time pulling me back to earth. "Because you're weak".

"You're weak if you think that by ending your life you're a winner". She wickedly raised her gaze up and down my body. "You're a loser who likes to lose, that's what you are". She walked out of the bathroom, making me follow her.

"You're avoiding the answer to my question".

She stopped in her tracks and turned swiftly around to make our bodies bump into each other. Our eyes met in such harmony, my heart thumped so fast, making my breath hitch.

The tension was building up, I knew it.

"And you're avoiding the idea of not questioning everything about me".

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