Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter One

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

Kari was enjoying herself, basking in the rare bright mid-summer sunlight atop the great stone mead hall. Cracking open one of her amethyst eyes, she watches her friends, the dragons of Berk. A slight smile reaches her lips, her friends had readily joined the community and had been working hard to earn acceptance among their number.

Turning her eye to the fields she spies Gypsum and her eight hatchlings helping move, or more accurately, swallow various stones and rocks making the ground easier to work during planting season. During the planting season, Gypsum had proved to be stronger than the oxen and yaks normally used to pull plows, and if she hit a rock she tended to just gobble up the smaller ones for her nest and craw. Her little ones, while still too small for the heavy labor, were more than capable of moving bags of seed for the fields and feed for the livestock.

Speaking of which, Azurestorm and her brood were in control of a particularly large and unruly herd of sheep. Even six months after the Snoggletog celebrations, not everyone was excited about dragons living on and in Berk, but no one on the island could argue that Thorntails didn't make natural shepherds. They tend to operate in packs, which means they move, communicate and work as a well oiled machine. The sheep and goats of the island, still having a natural aversion to anything dragon, allows a pack of four Thorntails to better corral the stubborn herd than twice the number of Vikings.

A shadow briefly blocks out the sun. Looking up,  Volcus and her cousin Snotlout, soar overhead as they patrol the island, making sure no hostile fleets can come close. With fewer dragon raids, the only one in recent memory being a raid on the Bog Burglars by an insane Thunderdrum, all the tribes of the archipelago have benefited from peace with dragons. The Outcasts and Berserkers not being content with merely 'doing better' however, had stepped up their raids against the other tribes. Volcus, unlike her other friends, found his mate from last season returned to the volcano nest with his hatchlings, leaving him alone with more time to spend with his human companion.

The shriek from somewhere in the village below, Kari notes, is the 'call-to-arms' as Swift and his brood swarm into a storage barn. Natural ratters, the Wyrmlings also work in packs, their small size allowing them to find and eliminate rat nests, snake pits, and any other vermin that make their homes in small hard to get places. Swift himself oversees his hatchlings proudly, as his brood are nearly full grown and will soon be scuttering off to find new homes of their own.

A tingle in the back of her mind, draws her attention out to sea. Draconic eyes clearly see a single dark shape circling over the fishing fleet, her mate, Tannlaus. His prowess at finding large schools of fish and stunning them with a plasma blast, allows the fishermen of Berk to bring in more than enough to feed every Viking and Dragon on the island.

Stretching her wings to their fullest, Kari shakes the sleep from her body. With a hop she catches the wind in her wings and glides the short distance to the largest home on Berk. Landing she gives a 'yelp', answered only moments later by the rumble of twelve little legs thundering through the home. With a crash of something fragile being broken, the door swings open and her own brood swarm her. Three tiny, black Shadewings look expectantly at her. Amber, the oldest with scales of jet black with gold flecks and eyes that match her name. Jade, the middle yawns, her green eyes dull from lack of sleep, a clear sign she had missed her nap usually to satisfy her endless curiosity. With a 'yelp' of surprise and some pain, she lifts her tail. Hanging from the afflicted limb is her youngest, Starchaser. "Star... We've talked about this. It is NOT good to bite people."

His blue eyes regard his mother a moment, "Sorry Momma," he mumbles through clenched gums before letting his toothless grip on her tail go. The little male squeeks, before nuzzling up against her legs. "I'm just doing what Grandpa says."

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