Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 8

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cressida Cowell

Kari sits watching her charges, her three little ones, Gypsum's eight, and Azure's three. All studiously working with a stick in mouth, or claw on hand to scratch the runes she was teaching them this day.

Each of the tiny dragons were picking up writing quite quickly. Her children were perhaps the quickest to learn, with Azure's being next. While Rumbler, the largest of Gypsum's hatchlings seemed to have the greatest trouble. He seemed to be able to read runes alright, but his massive underbite and short stubby claws made writing difficult. "That's fine Rumbler... I can read it, it doesn't have to be perfect," she tries to reassure the small rotund dragon.

His frown grows, when he sees his siblings doing so much better. "SHIT!" he shouts. Kari's eyes grow wide, stunned by the combination of the explosive explicative, and the fact it was in nearly perfect Norse.


"Sorry..." The small dragon hangs his head.

'I can't believe I'm going to ask this...' Kari looks at the small brown dragon, "Could you say that again?"

Tiny brown eyes look at his teacher, "Shit?" he squeaks out.

Blinking, Kari is stunned by the simple word, a human word coming from the small dragon. "Okay, maybe let's start with NOT using that word anymore. It is a very rude word." The small dragon nods, "Can you say anything else?"

Nodding happily, the small Stone-biter opens his mouth and begins, "Fu..."

"Whoa! whoa! Stop right there," the ebon dragoness cuts him off. "Maybe best if you whisper that to me." The small dragon trundles over and begins whispering into her ear a veritable tirade of obscenities. Grateful her scales hide the blush coming to her cheeks, she looks down at the innocent child at her feet. "Where did you learn all that?"

"Daddy/Uncle/Aunt sire. He thinks it is funny. He takes me on his boat and teaches me."

The blurred name of 'daddy/uncle/aunt' leaves the dragoness confused for a moment, "Do you mean Fishlegs? Fishlegs' father taught you those words." The small dragon nods. "Alright, well... Those are all very rude words and should not be used in public..." Knowing this is a losing battle, she looks at the little parrot. "We will see if we can find you words you can use. Okay?" She once more gets a nod from her student. Glancing at the sun reaching its zenith. "Alright, you all did well. I want you to practice with your human families," she glances at the clearly upset Stone-biters, "You can all go practice with Fishlegs. I'm sure she would be glad to see how far you've all come." Glancing at the ridge surrounding her cove, she barks a greeting to the recently arrived, Gypsum and Azurestorm.

"Good day, Kari. We can't stay. Azure and I are going to collect Astral, Fishlegs and Ember for flying lessons."

"Ember?" Kari asks.

"Snotlout. She finally decided to take a new name for herself," the blue-green Thorntail chirps.

"How are Ruff and Tuff?" She asks.

"They... they are having a hard time. They were always together, but could find brief alone times. Now they are sharing one body, and even thoughts. Vomi and Mita have been doing everything they can to help." Azure sits, giving her little ones a chance to climb and play.

"Would you mind if my kids and I tag along? Star has been begging to go gliding ever since he managed crossing the lake."

Gypsum purrs, "We'd love to have you along. We found a good spot near the north part of the island, it juts out into the ocean, but gets a good strong updraft from the west."

Reforged Alliances:  A Broken Prophesy storyWhere stories live. Discover now