Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 9

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

Chapter 9

Tannlaus was a little surprised to see his mate wander back into their cove. All three of the little ones seemed just as depressed as their mother. "Kari? I saw Gypsum earlier... She mentioned taking everyone out for flying lessons." He watches as she retreats silently back into the cave. "Jade, Amber, Star? What happened?"

"Momma had a big fight with the Stone-biter. The grey one." Amber tries to explain.

"We never got a chance to fly," Star adds. Looking at the dark shape of his mother, he turns back to his father, his tone guilty, "Momma looks really sad."

Nodding, "Why don't you three go play for a little bit. I'll take you up the ridge in a bit,so we can practice flying." Waiting for the trio to bound to the lake, he steps inside the cave. Curling up beside the quiet lump, he extends his wing over her.

"Am I greedy?"

"What?" The sudden question takes him by surprise.

Taking a deep calming breath, "I never wanted anything to happen to the others. I really didn't."

"I sense a 'but' in there."

She gives a simple nod, "After they changed... I didn't feel so alone." Her wine colored eyes gaze at her mate. "That didn't come out right... I mean, I'm not lonely... Not with you or the kids."

"Now you have an experience you share with another." His wing tightens it's hold, "That is something neither I nor the kids can share with you." He states simply. "And before you ask. No, I don't begrudge you that. We share things and experiences no one else will ever have. Memories that are ours alone." He nuzzles her jaw, trying to reassure her, "I don't understand why this upsets you so."

"Fishlegs... Fishlegs said some things. She was so hateful, so angry... She blames me for what happened. She said as the last male of her family line, there is no one to carry on the name."

Tannlaus tilts his head, listening carefully, "Is that important?"

"To Vikings, yes. Humans don't live so long. We seek some kind of recognition, some semblance of immortality. A way to be remembered long after our time has passed."

"Like the stories of gods and heroes you've told the hatchlings." He offers in understanding.

"Now, he is a she, and the family name is carried by the male. On top of that, she is now a dragon." Her eyes turn downward, "She was so angry... She blames me for the raids last year. Blames me for destroying his families ships, everything."

"That's nonsense. As a human, he was there. He saw the queen."

"Doesn't matter... I can't get those angry grey eyes out of my mind. I've never known Fishlegs to be that angry at anything."

Tannlaus pauses, "Grey eyes? Grey scales, definitely, but Fishlegs has blue eyes. The same color as the clear sky."

"No, I'm positive they were grey... Grey like... Loki's!" A cold weight fills her dread. "Tannlaus? Where are the kids?"

Quickly he bolts for the cave entrance and give a deep 'yelp'. A startled starling is the only response. "They aren't out here!"

Kari quickly joins her mate, each frantically bounding across the cove, seeking any sign or scent of the triplets.


"Where are we going Star?" Amber asks her youngest sibling. "You know daddy wanted us to stay in the cove."

"I'm gonna find that grey Stone-biter, she made momma sad. I'm gonna make her say sorry." The little male's eyes blaze with determination, as he stalks through the heavy underbrush. "Are you scared? Do you want to run home? I'm not afraid!"

His green eyed sister scoffs, "She's too big... What are you gonna do, bite her tail. Pull her wings?"

The blue-eyed dragon pauses, "I don't know..."

A strange 'thwack thwack' sounds out from in front of the startled trio. With another loud 'Thwack' a large bush is cleaved away, making a path in the underbrush. A huge man, nearly as large as their grandfather stands before them. Armed with a sword in one hand and part of the shrubbery he carved through in the other. This huge figure pauses his pathmaking as he catches sight of the three hatchlings.

A strange blond girl, daggers in each hand, peers around the larger man, "Why did ya stop? Night Furies!" She cries.

With screeches of alarm, the tiny dragons bolt. Each taking a different direction before reuniting and bounding through the brush to the east. "Momma... Daddy!!!" the trio cry as the run blindly back toward the safety of their home.

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