Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 23

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

Chapter 23

Chaos explodes in the blink of an eye, with efficiency and speed, Valka strikes at the woman several times larger than herself.  Her staff strikes a blow across each shoulder, managing to dislocate the mountain of a woman's arms, a blow to the back of her legs drives her to her knees. With eyes closed, Bertha of the Bog Burglars, braces for the finishing blow, a blow that never lands.

Cracking one eye, she meets the fierce glare of Stoick himself, as he holds the end of his wife's weapon scant inches from her head. The explosion of dirt and stone near her, makes her flinch in fear for the first time in her life. The enraged dragon, the purple eyed Night Fury, missed it's target only because it was struggling to get out from under a pair of Nightmares. Despite their larger size, the yellow and red dragons efforts prove futile as razor sharp teeth snap at the downed chief.

A soft but deep voice calls, "Kari! Stop please!"

"Momma don't be a monster!" a second pleads.

Glancing over her back, she sees Thuggery helping Cami back to her feet, with little Jade fiercely standing before them, her little wings held out to shield her human friends. "Jade?" The wave of relief washes over her leaving her exhausted. "Jade? How?"

"Kari? What's happening?" Tannlaus leaves the safety of his tent, wincing as the activity aggravates his injury. Amber and Starchaser following close behind.

Rushing as fast as her damaged paw will allow, Kari uses her wing to scoop her daughter up and pull her close to her side.

"Cami? What happened?" Thuggery asks, as he helps her back to her feet.

"Something hit me." She brushes herself off, double checking for any sign of injury when her foot brushes against something. Her look of worry changes to pity when she sees the small figure at her feet. "Oh no... Stoick? Isn't this your dragon?"

Kari pauses smothering her daughter in attention when she hears Cami. Looking at her friend's feet she sees the still form of a small brown-green Wyrmling. "S... Swift?"

Big yellow eyes slowly open. "Friend Kari?" Looking at his uncomfortable position, the larger dragoness rolls him over. Her gasp of surprise is echoed by the smaller dragons gasp of pain. His helm-shell is gone, lost moments before the confusion. In its place is the long sharp dagger meant for Cami. The little dragon gasps for breath, as Stoick steps past his daughter, and in a single hand cradles the tiny Wyrmling. Kari can't help but shudder, her small friend looks like a grotesque parody of the old clan symbol hanging over the great hall's fire pit.

"Ohh, yu' poor little hiccup... Magnus will be heartbroken." With those words, Stoick wipes away an errant tear with his free hand. "Gothi? Is there..." As one, all three aged women shake their heads solemnly.

"Ha! At least I got one of yur' devils!" Bertha spits, issuing as much venom as she can.

"ENOUGH!!!" Camicazi screams. "You have done nothing but bring shame to our clan since we arrived here!" A gasp from the edge of the street signals the arrival of the invading forces. Standing arms drawn, but stunned into inaction by the realization that both chiefs had already apparently been captured. The sight of their former heir chastising her mother, their chief, brings a quiet murmur. Hooligans, Meatheads and Burglars begin facing off, forming a ring around the central figures.

"Yu' have no right ta' speak ta' me like that... Outcast!" This outburst from Bertha, rings a look of confusion from all three of the Gothi.

Picking up on this, Stoick asks the elders, "Yu' didna' know? Are Bog Burglar, Hooligan and Meathead laws the same? As Elders and Gothi, you have ta' agree ta' banishment?" All three elders nod in agreement.

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