Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 6

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

Chapter 6

At seventeen, Thuggery was huge. A mountain of muscle and unbridled power, his tribe were proud to know the Meatheads were going to be lead by this future Chief. Despite all outward appearances, Thuggery was well equipped mentally. He had a calm demeanor, and was an excellent judge of character. 'Something feels wrong, about this whole thing.' 

"Alright! Get your gear, and set up a defensive wall here, and here.  Move those carts and crates. Create choke points and control the docks," he directs.  Shaking his head as he follows his father's orders.  'Get the men in position. If we can no longer trust the Hooligans, then we will wipe them off the map.'  His father told him.

Looking at the situation, Stoick had done nothing to warrant the mistrust his father was acting upon. Even the Burglars were moving warriors onto the beaches at the other end of the harbor. 'I need to find Cami! This doesn't feel right at all!' Turning to one of the elders, "I need to go into town, let my Father know how preparations are going. Will you be alright?"

"Aye. We'll be fine! These Hooligans won't stand a chance when ya' give the order to attack."

Nodding with a frown, Thuggery rushes past the growing defenses, and toward the town center. In his haste, he runs into a great harry wall. With an 'oomph!' Both figures fall into a tangle of limbs both flesh and wooden.

"Oy, watch where ya' were going! Oh!" Gobber the Belch complains as he dusts himself off. His eyes meets the young man that successfully bowled him over. "Yur' Thuggery... of the Meatheads, Right?" Nodding, the young man is confused by the stranger. "Good!" His big lopsided grimace relaxes into a grin that reveals a snaggle toothed stone replacing one of the man's teeth. "I've been trying ta' deliver a gift to ya'" Unrolling a large oilcloth he was carrying, he passes the youth a sword. "My apprentice was workin' on tha' before... Well, before everythin' happened." He says, as though it were the most normal thing in the world.

"That's just it... I don't know what happened! It is frustrating... The Chiefs are keeping us out of it, but it feels like there are pieces to a puzzle missing!" Thuggery gives the smith a look expressing all his frustration at once.

"I shouldna' be telling ya' this..." Looking back and forth Gobber gestures over his shoulder. "Common... Let's find someplace... Private." Glancing up a nearby tree, he calls out, "That includes you too Camicazi... Hiccup had somethin' for you as well." Waiting for the Burglar Heir to climb out of her tree.

Dropping from her branch, she lands with a flip, on her feet. "How'd ya' know I was there?"

Laughing, "I've tracked Changewings, and hunted abou' every dragon around. Think I can't spot a teenager in a tree. Now yur' mum... She could hide in a tree..." He says a look of fond remembrance on his face before he becomes serious once more. The smith quietly leads the two back into his nearby shop, then deeper in. Arriving at a small door, no bigger than a closet. Unlatching it, it swings open in near silence. "Tha' boy knew how ta' make a good hinge," he says with a pride. 

Inside the teens are assaulted by sketches and drawings covering every wall. A small cot lies empty any unused. The smith fights back a sniffle. "This was Hiccup's..." Reaching over he pulls a small box from its home on the shelf. Handing the nondescript box to Camicazi, who looks thoroughly confused.

"Where's the key?" she asks.

"Hiccup never gave me a key, but he said the box is yours."

She eyes the deceptively simple lock for a moment, admiring the construction. Each piece of the box is simple, yet with hidden hinges and gaps barely large enough to slip a piece of parchment through, reveals the level of exacting care Hiccup put into making it.

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