Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 11

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

Chapter 11

Bertha paces, hands on hips before the Berkian Chief. "It's been three days... Three days, an' still no proof o' what ya' tellin' us, Stoick!" Slamming her meaty fists onto the table, she sets several mugs to rattle. "Ya' expect us ta' believe dragons aren't a threat? That we can live in peace?!"

Mogadon nods, "She is right Stoick. The whole thing sounds insane. Ya' been delayin' the Thing, because ya' claim yur' kids all became dragons, AND ya' want us to go with ya'... Unarmed... To some mysterious island past Helheim's Gate?!"

The scream of a Bog-Burglar battle cry echoes over the forest just north of town. The three chiefs all stand frozen as a pair of dark shapes move with blazing speed past the window. "Are those Night Furies?" Bertha shouts, recognizing her daughter's voice. Looking livid, "Those dragons have just kidnapped my lil' girl! An' you want us to trust them?!"

"If those beasts have Cami, I would bet they have Thuggery too!" Mogadon climbs to his feet, "Ya leave us no choice... Stoick... " The Meathead chief scowls, "I declare this Thing over... The Meatheads will not stand by and let ya' consort with those devils. We are officially at war, Stoick."

"Aye! I agree with you Mogadon! Any force siding with dragons can only lead to ruin. Ya' can count on the Bog-Burglars." Throwing her mug of mead at the shocked chief. "The Bog-Burglars are also declaring war!"

Stunned, Stoick can only watch as the enraged chiefs storm out of the mead hall. "Oh Hiccup, what have ya' done?"


Cami's warcry can't help but bring a grin to Kari's face. 'If she thinks this is fun...' "Tannlaus, let's show them what Shadewings can really do!" She shouts to her mate. The glint in his eye is all the confirmation she needs. Pumping her wings with renewed vigor, Kari climbs and climbs. A 'whoop!' of excitement calls from her back, as she and her rider breach the lowest layer of fluffy white clouds. Her friend's excitement and wonder makes her laugh. Higher and higher the dragons soar, passing one cloud layer after another. A flock of seagulls scatter as the twinned bolts of black race through. Reaching the apex of their climb, both dragons seemingly become weightless before gravity once more remembers its hold on them. Tucking wings tight to their sides, they both begin to plummet. Faster and faster they drop, with their rider's screams of excitement and fear left far behind as the rush of wind becomes a deafening roar.

Tannlaus extends one wing slightly, bringing him into a slow spin. Kari follows suit and begins spiraling in the other direction. The weight on her back lifts as Camicazi goes into freefall. The dark dragon smiles as her friend comes into view. Gently Kari reaches out and grasps Cami with her forelimbs, pulling her close and holding her tight in a dragon strength hug. With an audible 'pop' as her wings suddenly fill with wind. The pull of gravity against the dragoness is immense, but her will to soar is greater. The rush of wind in her face, the feel of sea mist against her scales reminds her why she flies. Glancing down at the small human held tightly in her arms. Cami gives another 'whoop' as they dip low enough for her feet to skim the surface of the ocean, sending a trail of water airborn in their wake. To her right, Tannlaus is mirroring her every move. With a subtle nod, both dragons begin to climb again. Kari leads this time, halting her climb suddenly. Cami screams as the dragoness lets her go. Her upward momentum sending her several feet higher, allowing the Shadewing to slip in behind and 'catch' her friend once more on her back.


The mid-day stretches on, The dragons giving their riders an experience they would never forget. Each set of stunts, rolls, and dives bring them closer and closer to the hidden nest. Soon the dragons spy the thick wall of fog in the distance. A feeling of oppressive anxiety fills the youmg dragoness. This was the first time she had returned to the volcano nest since the battle with the queen and her own brush with death. A subtle shiver, missed by her rider, gives her steady wingbeats a slight pause.

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