Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 24

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

Chapter 24

Kari slowly wakes, the midday sun finally moving into place to cast its light into the dark of the great hall. The slow rhythmic breathing of the larger dragon behind her, and the squirming pile under her wing brings a fresh warmth to her heart. Lifting her head, she finds the hall itself mostly empty. Three piles of dragons, and a few of the permanent staff seem to be all that remain. Astral is missing but Azure and her three lie in a tight pile together on the far side of the firepit, Ember and Volcus lie sprawled out more awkwardly. Ember's wing covers one of the nearby tables, and Volcus's tail slowly moves back and forth in his sleep, sweeping the walkway past the table and leading to the kitchen. Those working had turned the moving obstacle into a game by dodging, jumping, or dancing past, rather than waking the large red dragon.

Her moment of silent appreciation is broken by the urge to yawn, which she does followed by a stretch of epic proportions. Getting up, she carefully pushes each of her fledglings next to Tannlaus belly. His wing stretches out in his sleep, holding them all close. With a smile, she limps through the hall, being careful not to disturb those still there. The massive doors were left open, heavy furs being used to keep out the cold of the morning and the light of day. Blinking at the bright golden orb, the sky is clear with only the wispiest of clouds high overhead. From the center of town, she can hear voices. Following the commotion, she finds the central square being decorated in rapid order with Snoggletog decorations. Decorative shields, colored glass lanterns, and long strings of quickly woven flowers and leaves all being hung around the square in preparation of the celebrations for the three chiefs.

"How are we going to do this?" Cami's voice echoes from the square.

"Well, ya' just kinda toss the shield up there, and the wee lad here nails it ta' the side. Like this!" With a grunt, Kari can hear Gobber's instructions followed by a solid 'thunk'. Bounding into the square, she sees Astral expertly sling his tail spines to affix another decorative shield to the side of the forge.

"That's not what I meant. I mean... I have to lead the Burglars, and Thuggery has the Meatheads... Gods! It all seemed so much easier when we were Outcasts."

"Ohh..." The smith looks thoughtful for a moment, "I see..."

"Kari!" Cami's sour mood is quickly forgotten at the sight of her dark scaled friend. "Have a good rest?"

Giving her friend a toothless grin, she coos happily. "Kari!  Gobber!  Camicazi!!  Good mornin'!!" Valka greets the trio, Magnus squirms and gurgles happily in her arms. Kari gives her mother a quick examination, noting her stiff posture and stress written on her face. With a purr and coo, Kari scratches her question in the dirt, want fly.

Valka looks confused, "You want to fly?" Looking around, she shakes her head, "I don't see why you can't. How's yur' hand feeling?"

With a roll of her eyes, she taps the words, then gently nudges her mother. "You want me ta' fly?" Seeing the black dragon nod, "I canno' Cloudjumper is back at his nest..." The look of frustration on her daughter's face is enough to silence her.

Scratching in the dirt, Kari adds two more words, with me.

Valka stares into the sky for a long moment, lost in some distant memory. "I... I..." The squirming bundle in her arms brings her back to the present, "I canno'. I have this wee lad ta' take care o'."

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