Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 2

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

Chapter 2

"Loki," Kari's growl carries across the peaceful quiet of the cove. The stranger takes a deep bow. His smug grin is twisted into something malevolent by the burns and scars he carries. He casts his gaze from dragon to dragon, his grey eyes flashing in an unspoken threat.

Arching her back she can feel every muscle tensing to explode into action. "They are my babies, not 'monsters'."

Tannlaus moves between the stranger and his children, "Kari?" His posture quickly mirrors hers.

"Oh really? You think you stand any chance against me? I made you what you are! Without me, you would still be a useless little Hiccup." The god sits on a small boulder, "I give you the power to vent your rage, and get revenge on the very people that despise you! You have the strength enough to destroy every Viking on this gods forsaken rock, and you instead you continue to be soft, weak and useless!" The god of mischief suddenly jumps up from his seat with a shout of alarm.

The blue-eyed dragonling hangs from the seat of the gods pants. "Momma is not useless," he growls through clenched gums.

"You little beast! You dare touch me!" Moving faster than his eye can follow, Tannlaus watches as his son is sent deep into the dragon's den, backhanded by the irate trickster. "Star!" He roars, diving in to follow the hatchling.

Loki laughs out loud, "Stupid little beast! How dare..."

A bolt of brilliant purple plasma lifts the god off the ground and carries him halfway across the cove, before it explodes tossing him the rest of the distance. The impact against the granite wall is at once sickening and satisfying. If Loki were mortal, the impact alone would have killed him, but the wet crunch of bones impacting stone echo back to the enraged mother. Lines of glowing purple energy eminating under her very flesh and following the length of her head, and trailing back along spine and flanks. Her nostrils flare, giving off the same glow, an inner fire released in her fury. "That is my SON!" Wings extended the dragoness sails the distance to face off against the god as he rises, trying to regain his footing.

Loki's eyes grow large in shock, just before he is vaulted through the air by another blast. The purple plasma again lifts him effortlessly off his feet, slamming him into the same piece of wall before the detonation further crushes him into the unmoving stone. Again and again he is hammered into the solid wall, with each blast easily being more powerful than the combined assault she and her mate used against the dragon-queen. Fragments of stone chip away under the assault, creating a roughly man-shaped crater.

Kari's shots seem as endless as her rage, Tannlaus stands stunned. The thundering blasts shake the larger dragon to his bones, "Kari! Star is alright!" He roars, but her attention is completely focused on hurting this being that struck her youngest. 'She can't keep this up! She is well past her shot limit!' Roaring again into the fiery malstrom, "Kari you need to stop!"

Kari had never felt such single-minded determination. There was, at this moment, nothing but her and her prey. Her sole focus is to make this 'smear' pay for hurting her baby. The force of her blasts has shattered every bone, ruptured every organ, but still it isn't enough. This 'thing' wanted her to rage, wanted her to destroy. She had now turned that very rage against this 'god'. A quiet tickle in the back of her mind kept calling to her, the tickle paired with a voice. The voice was frantic, 'Can't it wait! This is important! He must pay!' A new sound, a small, quiet sound, a new voice joins the first.

"Momma?" Star cries, eyes filled with tears as his mother becomes like the monsters from his grandpa's story book. "Momma, please..."

The dragoness takes a moment to glance over her wing, Tannlaus stands there roaring to get her attention, but the voice most clear is from her smallest. Amber and Jade cower behind their father, fear etched on their little faces. Starchaser cries her name over and over. The look of terror on her babies faces shakes her to her core. Swallowing back the charge of another blast, she pauses. Her eyes fall on each of her family, one at a time. As her posture relaxes, Tannlaus does as well, and each of her children look hopeful at her.

"Kari?" Tannlaus asks, taking a step forward to check on his mate. The glow beneath her flesh, he notes, follows the lines of iridescent purple in her scales. Shades only seen when the sun glitters on her hide just the right way. If not for the situation, her 'glow' only enhances the beauty he sees in her.

The quiet rumble of rocks and pebbles shifting catches the dragon's attention. "You think you won?" Loki staggers to his feet, trickles of blood leaking from his ears, and the corner of his mouth. "You haven't won anything! I will not be denied!" His grey eyes blaze in rage, only to be met by the amethyst glare of the dragoness before him. "I gave you that form, I'll take it away. Go back to being nothing! Go back to being a hiccup!" He snaps his fingers and a shimmer of grey smoke envelops the dragoness.

"Leave my home! Leave my family alone! Just leave, while you can!" She belches another blast of plasma, the shockwave tossing the 'god' through one of her favorite bushes, dislodging the mistletoe growing in it.

Loki once more picks himself up, pausing when he brushes the plant from his hair. "Mistletoe? Really?" He glares at the family of dragons, his eyes show his shock and dismay when his magick fades, leaving no changes. "I... I'll... I'll ruin you! I'll see this whole island razed, and I will laugh as it happens!" With a 'whoosh', the trickster vanishes, his dark laugh echoing through the cove.

In the blink of an eye, Kari feels the warmth of her mates wings surround her, his cheek rubbing against hers. The warmth of her babies at her feet, she lies down, letting them climb over her. The deep purple glow begins to fade, leaving the dragoness exhausted. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be! You were protecting all of us. You were amazing!" Laying down beside her, Tannlaus presses his body against hers, as she begins to shiver slightly. Her hatchlings quickly settle down and join the both of them, huddling into a tight knot of black. With a yawn, Kari quickly slips into a deep, dreamless sleep, knowing her family is safe, for now.

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