Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 13

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

Chapter 13

With a frustrated growl, Kari shakes her head. "I knew we should have left earlier. We promised to be back before nightfall."

"Don't beat yourself up, love. We'll be there before you know it. For now focus on that school beneath you." Tannlaus rears back, launching a blast into the sea. The impact and explosion sends a plume of spray dozens of feet in the air, soaking the dragons and human riders alike.

With a 'whoop' Kari dives, catching several stunned fish in her maw before pulling out of her dive. "What are you doing? How could you still be hungry?" Cami screams over the roar of wind. Slowly beating her wings, she hangs over the slowly gathering school of fish. This time her turn to launch a bolt of plasma. She watches as the sleek form of her mate dives at the plume of water. Her grin of satisfaction, shifts into one of confusion as Tannlaus comes away from the roiling waves, with not a mouthful of fish, but a large man-sized shark.

"Tannlaus! Are you planning on eating that?" Shaking his head. He nods back to his rider. "You want these two to have it?" Nodding again. "A piece offering? Good idea!" Swooping down, Kari manages to capture another mouthful of fish. Swallowing them into her craw, she groans. "I haven't been this full in a long time. Let's head home."

Together the dragons and riders sail the winds, the most prevailing of which pushes them toward Berk with an almost unnatural insistence. A dark haze rises from the island as it peaks over the horizon. The massive stone guardians are dwarfed by the thick cloud rising from the harbor. Pushing harder, the dragons dive and roll, picking up even greater speed. Twin streaks of darkness, with riders plastered against their backs descend from the clouds, winds creating a wall that fights against their approach. Wings pounding against choppy air, cold dark waves lapping at their bellies. The pair both stop short, and climb into the growing cloud cover, where they spy the path from harbor to town above is engulfed in flames. Humans and dragons alike gasp in dismay at the rampet destruction. Sections of wooden road had been shattered and splintered by fire and stone. From the cliffs above, Gobber tosses something small down onto the paths below, when a stream of Flametongue saliva strikes. The small ale barrel explodes with enough force to collapse another section of timbers, making the path all but impassable. A horde of Burglars and Meatheads were gathering at the foot of the winding path. Most armed with buckets of water to quench the fires slowly spreading toward the ships. Tucking her wings, Kari dives, building a charge of plasma. The sound of her warshiek sends the foreign invaders diving for cover, shouting 'NIght Fury!'. Her blast of purple-blue plasma scores a direct hit on the supports three levels higher, and the whole middle section collapses. A rain of wood and embers fall amongst the scattered and stunned Vikings below. Wasting no time, she and Tannlaus land on the docks, letting their riders slip from their backs, then take off into the growing twilight. A volley of arrows sent in their direction swarm like angry hornets, but with the smoke and stunning crash of wreckage, none find their mark.

"Tannlaus, can you check with Dad and see what's going on? I've got a gullet of fish for the kids."

"Go! I'll make sure everything is alright before I come home."

Making a pass, he sees Gobber is busy with another small barrel, and a strange purple and green Twin-soul.

"Look out! A dragon!" a female voice comes from one of the heads. "We are a dragon! You idiot!" comes the male heads reply. Landing with a hurried flutter of wings, the male Shadewing looks the odd dragon over.

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