Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 12

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

Chapter 12

"Allrigh' yu' dragons!" Stoick calls to Azure and Gypsum. "I wan' the ramps from tha' docks gone. We need ta' make those Meatheads and Burglars find another way up here."

At the top of the wooden pathway, Volcus had ignited the main signal pyre. The massive brazier burning brightly against the encroaching dusk, was originally used to light up Berk during a nightly dragon raid.  Now it was finding a new use.  There were several hours of daylight left, but the Berkian chief was taking no chances. "Good work there lad!" Ember looks at the tall pole and with a grunt, she begins slamming her considerable size against it. Volcus takes up a position beside her, and begins slamming into it as well. Wooden timber begins cracking under the combined force, splintering then with an explosive 'CRACK' the pole topples. Slamming into the ground with enough force to rattle nearby huts, the Brazier breaks free, scattering burning coals on the wooden ramps. With much of the pathway being previously doused in lamp oil, the burning embers set it ablaze as the heavy iron brazier rolls down hill, cracking and splintering the wooden structures along the way. Gypsum takes up a position at the top of the cliff and belches burning blasts of stone, knocking large holes in the wooden structures and setting blazing fires alight, quickly making the whole path impassable.

Stoick watches as the dragons render the main path from the harbor an inferno. "Are we doin' tha' right thing Gobber?" Turning to his best friend, the Chief of Berk can't help but feel a pang of guilt.

"Ya' said it yurself. We need ta' keep them in the harbor."

Reaching out,Stoick pats the yellow-orange dragoness on the shoulder. "Ya did good. I'm proud o' ya'." For a brief moment the Chief sees a look he could only describe as happy. The boy turned dragoness had been a sulking mess for the last couple of days, 'Could something as simple as praise make that much of a difference?' He wonders. Turning he sees his brother-in-law do everything in his power to avoid his former son.

"Spitelout! Git' over here!" Stoick calls out. The dark haired figure stalks past the gathered dragons, shooting a sneer to the female Flametongue. Pulling the surly Viking aside, "Spitelout, just what is yur' problem? Tha' dragon out there is yur' child. Scales o' not."

Spitelout gives his chief a sneer of his own, his steely gaze filled with unspoken anger. "Tha' bastard o' yur's is the cause of all this!"

The venom in his brother-in-law's voice takes Stoick by surprise. "Now just a damn minute! My child is na' a bastard! Yur' own sister is her mother!"

"Her? My sister gave birth to a boy. HE might not a' been the best example o' a Viking, but HE was family. Now tha' she-devil has bewitched the whole island! My SON IS DEAD! Tha' yellow devil is no' my child!"

Astral darts in, a quick blast of flame separates the two men, preventing blows from being thrown. "What is wrong with everyone? First Fishlegs, now Snotlout's dad? If this keeps up, we won't need the Meatheads or Burglars to wipe us out, we'll do it to ourselves."

Ember slinks past her father, earning her another glare. With renewed determination, Astral charges after the retreating dragoness, making extra sure she manages to step on Spielout's foot with as much force as she could muster. Looking back at the irate Viking, 'Too bad I'm not a gronkle... I'd love to see him walk with that chip on his shoulder and a foot so flat he could slip it under a door.' With a quick sprint, she easily catches up with Ember.

"Oh, hey."

"Hey yourself. That was a great idea, knocking down that signal tower. The fire is burning pretty good, but it looked like the brazier stopped just before hitting the Burglar's flagship. Would have been fun to see that thing sink while docked."

"Like Hiccup's first attempt at sailing." The Flametongue chuckles sadly.

Shaking his head, Astral can't help but remember the disaster that followed Hiccup's eighth birthday.


Gobber looks at the gathered children. Fishlegs Ingerman was already twice as tall as any of the other kids, and just as wide. Astrid looked completely bored,Sitting on a large crate while absentmindedly sharpening her ever present axe. Snotlout and Tuffnut seemed to be plotting something, and Ruffnut hadn't shown up yet. In the back, trying to look as small as possible, was his apprentice. "Hiccup! Git' over here!" Reluctantly the young boy joined the others.

"Right! Today we are gonna' be seeing if ya' learned the basics o' ship buildin' and boatin'" Snotlout puffs up his chest, already knowing only Fishlegs has more experience on a proper ship.

Gobber looks at the small boats moored at the dock, Fishlegs and Snotlout had each built small but perfectly good ships. Astrid's was solidly constructed, but didn't look very comfortable. The twins had worked together on theirs, so it was a chaotic mess, but still looked sea worthy. The last ship to be inspected was Hiccup's. He had to take a second look, then a third. Hiccup's ship was... unusual. It had nothing that stood out and said 'ship'. No Hiccup's design more or less screamed 'bathtub'. There didn't seem to be a bow, or aft, or even a starboard or port. It was round, completely round. It didn't seem to have a rudder, only a single mast, with a wild assortment of pulleys and ropes. The sea laps at the edge as it rode very low in the water. It appeared it could barely hold the contraption that was part of the mast, let alone a person.

"Alrigh' Rules are simple! Git' in yur' ships. Sail out to the first marker, then sail back. Winner gets an extra day withou' chores." The announcement gets a rousing cheer from the preteens. Astrid being the quickest and most efficient, unties her ship from the dock before jumping in and begins to row out into deeper water. Fishlegs, stumbles a bit but quickly joins her in the race. Snotlout likewise makes good headway, leaving Hiccup, struggling with the ropes he used to tie his ship in place, and Tuffnut, who forgot he needed Ruffnut to actually sail the two person boat, was struggling twice as hard.

With a final grunt, Hiccup finally manages to push off from the dock, his round boat floats, just barely keeping above water. With a satisfied grin he tugs on a lever, releasing the tension on the spring loaded contraption attached to the mast. The sail extends in a single smooth motion, giving the lad a chance to catch up with the others... If it weren't for the nature of his round boat. The sail caught the wind, and began turning. The satisfied look on the boy's face is replaced by confusion as his boat continues to spin, faster and faster.

Gobber pinches the bridge of his nose as the wirey boy suddenly lunges for the edge of his ship, and proceeds to get seasick from its rapid spinning. The sudden shift in weight tips the edge of the small tub into the briny water, quickly filling the shallow boat and sinking it out from under the young boy.

"Ten feet?! Ya' sank yur' own boat ten feet from shore?" With a long iron hook tipped pole, Gobber snaggs the young boy and pulls him back to the dock, as Tuffnut falls out of his own boat, from laughing so hard. A look of pity overcomes the smith, "Go home and dry off... I'll see ya' in the forge after lunch." The dejected look of failure tugs at the gruff smith's heart, Reaching out with his flesh and blood hand he offers his reasurances, "Lad... We'll find ya' somethin' to do. Ya' can't be bad at everythin'." Missing the look of hurt, Gobber smiles warmly at the boy as he retreats dripping wet, back up the long walk to town.


"That wasn't Hiccup's fault."

Ember nods, "Yah, the sail was a good idea. If I had that on my boat, you never would have stood a chance."

Astral looks offended for a moment, then grins, "Like you ever had a chance to beat me."

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

The pair continue to argue good naturedly, taking both their minds off the encroaching danger.


Rows of archers, and warriors alike gather on the burning walkway. The cliffs leading up toward the town proper are too steep to climb safely, without the use of the burning ramps. Bertha looks at the flaming wreckage. "This isn't going to delay us long. They made these paths too well. The fire will burn out by morning and then we will take the town. Stay alert! We sack them at dawn!"

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