Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 10

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

Chapter 10

"Just what are we doing out here?" Tired and sore, Thuggery complains.

"We are looking for more evidence. Some proof that what that smith told us was true or not,"  the slim blond replies.

While it was just shortly after noon, the cool breeze coming off the ocean was countered by the amount of work they had to do to make headway through the thick forest. A couple of wrong turns had the pair, sloshing through sudden boggy areas that made the young woman almost homesick.

Thuggery offers his sword, hilt first to the young woman, "Want to take a turn, Cami?"

"Oh, no... You've been doing such a fine job. I wouldn't want to rob ya' of the pleasure."

Rolling his eyes, the larger boy chuckles, "Sure. Let me have all the fun." Getting back to the task at hand, he swings his blade. 'Thwack, thwack, thwack', the sword cleaves through the thick foliage with little difficulty.  Losing himself to the mindless task, he misses the odd collection of growls, purrs and coos coming from a little way ahead. Grasping a thick shrub with one hand he swings, hacking away at the stubborn bramble.  A second swing, and the portion in his hand comes away. He is frozen in place by three pair of large eyes. Blue, gold and green orbs shine from the shadows, revealed by the removal of shrubbery.

"Why did ya stop?" It takes only a second for the Bog Burglar to suddenly change her focus, "Night Furies!"

The trio of ebon shapes shriek suddenly as they move in clear panic. Climbing over each other to get away, each running a short distance is different directions before all seemingly agreeing on reuniting and running to the east. Shrieks of distress quickly fading into the thick forest.

"Well... That went well." Thuggery offers wryly.

"No! Don't you see? Three baby Night Furies! Just like that smith said."

With a grunt, "Right... And two adults... Parents to the three we just scared off." Tossing the shrub in his hand aside, he returns to blazing their trail now moving to follow the hatchlings. "I just hope Hiccup IS one of those adults... I don't want to look like a bully picking on a baby Night Fury, and have to deal with a pissed off parent."

Camicazi silently nods in agreement, before following her friend deeper into the woods.


"Amber! Jade! Starchaser!" Tannlaus calls out, standing in a clearing. The young father keeps pushing back the growing panic. The strange behavior of the humans on the island, and now even dragons seem to be affected by the sudden change in personality, only builds his growing sense of worry.  The added frustration of not locating the little ones as quickly as he wanted was ripping at his normally calm demeanor. 'If something has happened to them, I'll never forgive myself...' The scent of his young lies fresh but heavily masked by the new blossoms of heath and heather. Then without warning, the near silence is disturbed by familiar cries of distress just moments before three blistering fast bolts of black scales slam head first into his thick tree trunk like legs. In the moment of relief, he wraps his wings around all three, holding them close and checking for injury. "Where did you three run off to?! Do you have any idea how worried you made us?!" Looking skyward, he thanks the First Twins silently as he tries to calm the trio.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy... Run, hide, strange Vikings with sharp-sticks is behind us!" The three try to explain. Each talking over the other, creating just so much noise. Noise enough to distract the otherwise alert male to the sounds coming from nearby.


Her breath was coming in hard gasps. Cami's companions longer legs gives him a huge advantage in covering the uneven landscape. Even pausing one or twice to chop away at the overgrowth, he was still covering more terrain with each step. "Thug....," her request for a quick rest is literally halted mid-step as she walks into his back. "Ouch! Ya big Meathead! Why did ya stop for?" she asks, rubbing her bruised nose.

The unmistakable rumble of an angry dragon makes her peer around the human wall. Thuggery had found a small clearing, and a massive shadow made solid glares at the pair from the far side. Green eyes blazing like a cat, back arched, and wings outspread make the Night Fury look huge, even to the Meathead heir.

Sounding more calm than she felt, Camicazi answers her own question, "Oh! That's why." The Bog Burglar heir steps around Thuggery, his hand reaching out to pull her back barely misses. "Umm... Hi... Hiccup?" She takes a step closer, earning her another growl. Between the front legs of the hostile beast, Cami spies the three little ones. 'Gods look at those huge eyes... Nothing should be that cute.' She takes another step forward, stopping when she sees the larger dragon building up a blue-purple glow in its clenched teeth.

A roar from overhead makes all parties look up. With a heavy 'THUMP' A second, smaller, Night Fury lands in the clearing, looking for all the world even more pissed than the larger. The new arrival stares with purple eyes. Eyes that fall upon the drawn blade in Thuggery's hands, then the simple necklace she herself wears. The newest arrival shakes its head, it's eyes grow huge as a strange toothless smile creeps across its features.

"Cami? Is that dragon... smiling at me?" Before she can answer, the great beast paws at the ground. It takes a moment before it registers, "Hello... Thug... Like... Sword..." the boy reads aloud.

"That's a good trick." Cami says. "But can you prove it isn't a trick? What's his name?" The dragon taps the word THUG, before grinning again. "What did Hiccup make him?" SWORD, the dragon points.

"It's him..." Cami looks to her companion, still not fully convinced. "Don't you see? It's writing with its left paw."


"The Hiccup we knew was probably the only person in the whole archipelago that was left handed!"

The dragon coos, drawing the pair back to the writing on the ground, "Hello... get... box",she reads. Looking back and forth between the dragon, now sitting upright on its haunches, and the message. "Hiccup?" Cami asks in awe. The Night Fury begins nodding excitedly, the other adult dragon has slowly moved up and has mirrored its mates more relaxed posture. Three tiny heads peek out from behind their parents. "You have babies?" She looks around, finding an old fallen tree, "I need to sit down."

Thuggery sheaths his blade, then joins Cami on the tree trunk. "I still don't get it... How? Was that crazy one handed guy with the mustache really telling us the truth?"

"Gobber?" the dragoness writes, making the safe assumption that crazy and mustache could only mean her old mentor.

"I guess... He told us about Loki and some demon monster... It's all a lot to take in."

"Kari?" Tannlaus taps his wife with the tip of his wing. "Maybe we could show them the nest. Show them the dead queen. Maybe they can then make their chiefs believe."

"That's a great idea!" She gives him a huge smile. Turning to her children, "Can you three find your way back to the cove? We need you to hide in the cave. We will be back before sundown." The trio pout, but shoot sly looks to each other. Kari's eyes narrow, "I mean it! You three are grounded until we get back. If we find you didn't stay in the cave, like we told you, I'll make sure you are fed nothing but cabbages for the next week!"

"Ewww..." The three chorus, before turning and sullenly skulking back to their home.

Tannlaus claws the dirt, slowly and with some difficulty, "Climb back", Thuggery reads.  "I don't understand."

Kari joins her partner, "Take to Nest see dead queen." Both dragons extend their wings, in invitation. The young Vikings look back at each other, a grin manifesting with the thrill of mischief and adventure.

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