Reforged Alliances: A Broken Prophecy Story Chapter 18

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

Chapter 18

Tannlaus was tired. Tired of being bedridden, tired of being hovered over, tired of being treated like he was made of glass. He winces in pain, as his rear leg scratches at the padding of moss and foul smelling salve. A quick 'twack' of the old crones staff is enough to make him lie still. She shakes her head at the angry glare he gives her.

"You know? You make a terrible patient." her chuckle, reminds him of dried grasses.

Nodding, "Last time I was injured, I was able to keep busy, training Kari." He says with a grumble, "Now I'm not supposed to move." His tail flicks in irritation.

"Well... If you want to leave your mate without her other half, or your children without their father, by all means. Go fly, fish or fight, or whatever you think you 'need' to do." Gothi grumbles back to the young male.

With slanted eyes, Tannlaus stares in silence at the old woman, "You are evil, you know that?"

A hearty chuckle is her only reply. Her head turns, then bracing herself she steps between the recuperating Shadewing and the sudden appearance of his youngest. With a surprised 'oof', the old woman barely manages to catch the hatchling, who is nearly half her size. "Now, now! What have I told you? Your father needs to rest." Large blue eyes bore into the small woman, making her slump her shoulders in defeat. "No, no, no! Not the eyes! Not the... Fine! Just be careful." She carefully sets the dragonling down. With a happy churr, Star races the rest of the distance to nuzzle against his father.

"Well hello there. What brings you to visit?" Tannlaus asks, happy to see his youngest.

"My wings." Star answers, giving a flutter to illustrate his point.

"Of course." He grins at his son's proud accomplishment. "Where is your mother, and sisters."

"Momma was going fishing. Amber was playing with Thorn, Rose and Bramble." The little male pauses, deep in thought. "Jade is with... C... Cami... Ca..."


Nodding hard enough to throw off his balance, "Yes! And Meathead!"

Barely holding back a snort, which makes him wince in pain, "You mean Thuggery."

The blue eyed dragon sits, deep in thought. "Why does Cami...cazi?" He sees his father nod at the pronunciation of the odd name, "Camicazi call him Meathead?"

"It is her nickname for him." He tries to explain.

Tannlaus can almost see the thoughts running through his son's mind, "Are they mates?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Hmmm..." The small dragon screws up his face in concentration, "Well... They should be." He says with finality. "I like Meat... Thuggery," he corrects himself. "He's like Grandpa! Big, and warm, and knows how to scratch me just right."

This brings a chuckle from the elder. "Playing matchmaker at your age? You still have shell behind your ears," she teases.

"That doesn't make him wrong."

"No... No, I suppose it doesn't." Scratching at her chin, Gothi seems lost in thought. "A union between two of the largest tribes in the archipelago, with an alliance with Berk and the dragons... Even the Romans would think twice before moving into the region."

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