✧ bestfriend ✧

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~ idk about the title but eh. requested by my boo wdw_pm_harrypotter27 ~

~ 3rd person ~

Daniel was not coping well at the moment. He couldn't take it. He needed to find peace. So he buried himself in his bed, becoming a burrito in his plush duvet and soft blanket. That was the only way he could find peace and quiet, he would lock his door, jump in bed, plug in his earphones and listen to soft music. And he would just cry, cry until he couldn't anymore. No one knew about the pain he was in.

Daniel likes guys, something he's known for a long while. He's gay and well as people know not everyone's accepting. Most people in Daniel's life weren't accepting, which is why he's feeling so shit. The people would yell at him across the hall or torture him in the bathrooms made him think that he was just a dumb fag boy who was a disappointment to his family and to the world. He got told to kill himself or run away regularly.

However, Daniel in front of people on wore a bright smile. He never showed how much they affected him and that was mainly because of his best friend, Corbyn.

Corbyn was gay too, a very proud one. (and so he should be) Though Corbyn also got yelled things at they didn't impact his thick skin. Honestly he just laughed them off. He was too proud to be put down and he didn't care what anyone said. Daniel admired and envied that about him. He wished he could be that strong. Daniel did have the thought that if he was acting fine all the time but being broken Corbyn might be too so he asked the blonde if he was actually ok and such and he really was. He was glad that the blonde was unscarred, he really cared about Corbyn.

✧ ✧ ✧

Daniel had just had a terrible night, nightmares keeping him awake. They weren't the normal clown or monster nightmares though, no, the boy could sleep through those pretty easily for the ones he now has are much worse. The bullies and put downs all surrounding him beating him to a pulp yelling harsh words at him, that's what made his hair stand on end and his pulse quicken.

So the brunette decided to stay at home and be away from that hell hole. His parents are very lovely and if Daniel said he felt sick they wouldn't let him go to school. It was easy for him to get away and he wished he could stay home everyday but then his parents would get suspicious. He also wouldn't want to leave his blonde best friend to be attacked by himself, even if he can handle it.

Daniel sent a quick half hearted message to Corbyn telling him he wouldn't be at school. Corbyn knows Daniel all too well and knew something was up. He asked his mum if he could not go to school today as he needed to make sure Daniel was ok.

The two boys parents are also very close friends so of course Saskia let him. Anything for her boy and for Keri's son who's basically hers too.

Corbyn rushed over to Daniel's house, lightly knocking on the wooden front door. Keri and Jeff answered just as they were about to leave for work. They told him he was upstairs and that they were leaving.

The blonde trotted upstairs as he heard the door shut and lock before a car zoomed off. He opened Daniel's door to be met with a slightly dimmed room and Daniel sitting on his bed balling his eyes out.

"oh shit" He whispered under breath before slowly making his way over to the fragile boy, careful not to startle him. "Danibug?" Corbyn asked softly, Daniel looking up and quickly wiping his tears away and trying to look like he was fine. "Hey corbs" He said and smiled brightly. It was fake and you could tell. "Dani i already saw, now tell me what's wrong" The blonde said and sat down next to Daniel, putting his hand on the boys lower back.

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