Ch 14 Thorned Rose

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It was in the midst of the day during Glynda's class. Y/N and Asher were messing around in their own ways trying to pass time as they had enough experience to know all fundamentals of combat.

Glynda: And that is why you all must never underestimate Grimm. Just a single mistake can prove your demise.

Glynda glances at the time to notice that class was just coming to an end. She decided against assigning homework today as she wanted to have a relaxing day.

Glynda: Class is dismissed and remember there is no homework assigned today.

Asher: Finally! Who would of thought that this day couldn't get any longer.

Yang: How about we go and train? It's been awhile since I punched something.

Weiss: It could be well practicing and honing our skills.

Blake: That and to use what we learn into practice.

Y/N: (looks around) Wait. Where is Ruby? She would have said something by now.

Asher: (looks back) Still sleeping.

Y/N walks up to Ruby who was sleeping in her seat. He glances down to see her sleep talking about the prize previously won.

Ruby: (sleep talking) Y/N what happened to the dog plushy?

Y/N: (shaking slightly) Ruby. Ruby wake up.

Ruby: (wakes up too quickly) The Nevermore attacks by throwing feather-spears.

Y/N: Class is over and we are going to train. Also we aren't even studying Grimm.

Ruby: Oh. (gets up and runs up to the group) Wait how long was I sleeping for?

After that they all went to get their weapons from their room. Then they went to the forest for some training.

Yang: (stops training) You know we have all these move sets for each other but Y/N and Ruby doesn't have one.

Y/N: (swings down using Crimson Rose)
You know it is because we have not been on a mission. I'm usually with Asher and we know each other well enough for not needing to say anything.

Asher: Yeah we are like a branch to someone's face, a thorn to a rose, or the sledgehammer to our walls. Point is we become one person like when I got swallowed up by that Grimm. Good times.

Weiss: (gears in her brain start moving) I do not think your analogies are sound but can you repeat the previous one?

Asher: The sledgehammer to the wall? I knew you would appreciate me doing it one of these days. It would of been a lot of work just going back and forth. That and it was too far.

Weiss: We are only one door right next to you!

Asher: My point still stands. Besides it is not like you don't appreciate using our bathroom when you have four members.

Yang: He does have a point Weiss. Could you imagine that we would be late all the time?

Weiss: Fine but can you repeat the previous one?

Asher: A thorn to the rose?

Weiss: Yes. That will be their name for the move. Thorned Rose. Yes that's it!

Yang: Someone sure sounds excited. Reminds me when we get back our test scores.

Asher: Wait if  the thorn is suppose to hint to their knives, I don't even think Ruby can throw them yet.

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