𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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Leilani's POV

I was online shopping for clothes since back to school wasn't that far around the corner. I was pretty stressed and nervous since this was junior year.

As I'm scrolling through online fashion stores on my computer, I get a notification on my phone from Brianna. Brianna is my bestfriend. We've been together since the 4th grade so I can count on her for anything.

Bri 💞 - hey , you busy rn?

Me - No not really. Whatchu up to?

Bri 💞 - Nothing really tbh. We needa talk now can you come over?

Me - yea omw

I have pretty bad anxiety so when someone says we needa talk or can we talk I get so anxious.

So I stop what I was doing and head to my closet. I was still in my bra and underwear but I was deadass feeling myself for some reason so I put on my black fashion nova one piece and a sandy color jean jacket.

I found a curly hair tutorial on Instagram the other day so I styled my hair.

Once I was finished I head downstairs, grab my keys from the living room and head out.

Once I get in my car, I plug in the aux cord and start listening to music.

Once I get in my car, I plug in the aux cord and start listening to music

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10 mins later

5 mins away from Bri's house, someone FaceTimes me. It's zay. My annoying, over-protective ass, on and off again boyfriend. I really do still have feelings for him but he has lied to me, cheated on me 2 times and treats me like shit infront of girls. He's honestly a fuck boy, but there is just something about him I love. I pause my music and answer.

"What zay?" I say in a annoyed voice.

"Damn, I answer and you already on my case! Calm your bitch ass down" zay says.

"Ok first don't talk to me like that and I'm sorry but I'm going to bri's house cause she wants to talk to me. I'm scared it's gonna be something bad because she said she needs to talk to me right now. And you know how my anxiety is zay."

"Yea, whatever. Can you come over after to my place. I wanna spend time with you ...

I was so furious he completely ignored me. what the hell! "First of all, did you even pay attention or care about what the fuck I just said ?!?!"

Zay doesn't respond. Then rudely hangs up the phone on me! "THIS NIGGA REALLY JUST-" I shouted.

Now I see why Brianna always tells me I'm too good for z. He treats me like he doesn't even know me but swears he'll treat me like royalty.

I pull into Bri's driveway and pick up my phone off my seat. I checked the notifications I just received then shut down my phone because i don't wanna get distracted while I'm talking to bri. I get out of my car and walk to the front door. I knock on the door and shortly after, Briana's mom answers and opens the door.

"Hey, Mrs. Tipton! Where's bri." I say.

"Hi Leilani! She's upstairs." Bianca replies.

I walk in then run up the staircase and crack open the door to Bri's room. I find her sitting on her bed looking sad and angry at whatever is on her phone. I open the door wider then yell, "Bri!" I get her attention. She looks up at me disappointed as hell.

"What's wrong" I say sounding so concerned. I usually can tell what's wrong with her, but today something just didn't seem right. The minute after I ask she starts bursting out into tears. Without even asking I hug her as tight as I could. I didn't even care what what had happened, I just knew my bestfriend needed me in that moment.

Finally after sometime of her crying, she stopped. "Are you ready to talk now?" I say. She she nods her head as she wipped the tears off her face.

"Last Night, I was on snap when zayden messaged me. He asked if you were around and I said no. I didn't wanna talk to him because I know what he has done to you in the past, but I was curious to know what he had to say. I texted back "why?". Then he left me on read. 30 minutes later, I hear banging on my window. I was scared as hell because I was home alone. Zay responds a couple of seconds after I hear the knocking. He says "open you window." I texted him back why and he says please i just wanna talk. So I open the window and before I could say anything he pushes me on the bed and starts kissing on me. I tried to push him off and was kicking and screaming but he refused to stop. Then, He slaps me so hard my face went Numb. He says "if you tell anyone or leilani about this, I swear I'll hurt you. "He started to rip off my cloth-" and before she could finish my mind went blank. I just started crying so hard I couldn't think.

Why would this nigga have the audacity to FaceTime me for basically a booty call then I find out he raped my bestfriend and threatened her. I was so done at this point and honestly wanted to shoot zay's guts out.

*Hey guys don't forget to message me for feedback!*

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