𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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The rest of the day was pretty boring. Mikey, Zayden and I all got saveroom. Luckily, since it was the first day of school we didn't have any work assigned from our teachers to do.

I couldn't stop thinking about what mikey did for me. No guy has ever stood-up for me like that in the pass. Anyone should be lucky to have a guy like that in their life.

Anyways, the pm homeroom bell finally rang and we all were dismissed for the rest of the day. I remembered that I had to go to brianna's house to check up on her and tell her about everything that happened today but I wanted to thank mikey again.

I quickly run to the yard we're everyone goes afterschool to socialize and look for mikey.

Once I finally spot mikey in the crowd full of juniors, I walk up to him to get his attention.
I tap him on his shoulder and he turns around.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you again for sticking up for me. I really appreciate it." I say.

"No probelm." He responds.

"Well, bye."

"Bye." He replies.


5:00 pm

"Here, this will make you feel better. This is a old recipe from your grandmother that works toxins in your body to cure your sickness." Brianna's mom says as she hands her a cup of purple liquid.

"This looks nasty but I'll drink anyways."
Brianna replies.

As Brianna begins to take sips of her concoction, I start to realize that throwing up could be signs of her being pregnant. I mean she did get raped so there is a high chance that she is but I didn't wanna say anything just yet to worry or upset her.

Brianna's mom kisses Brianna on the forehead and heads out of the room. Once she leaves, Brianna and I start to make conversation.

"So, is the medicine making you feel any better?" I ask.

"Yea, I guess so. My mom plans on taking me to the doctor on Saturday anyways." She replies

"Oh okay. So, have you decided to tell your mom yet?" I ask.

"Tell my mom what?"

"You know.... what happened the other day between you and Zayden." I say with hesitation.

"Umm, I don't really wanna speak about it anytime soon. Matter of fact, can we just forget about it all together please? I hate thinking about it." She replied.

"Brianna, I love you and I care about you. I know that getting raped is something that no one wants to experience. I also know that it isn't easy keeping something so harsh to yourself. I don't want you to keep your feelings bottled up inside. We have to tell someone." I say.

"To be honest. I wanna tell someone too. The only thing is... I'm scared Leilani." She says as a tear falls down her face.

I hate seeing her like this and I hate myself for even putting Brianna in a situation like this. She didn't deserve to have this happen to her and I feel this is all my fault.

"Please don't cry Brianna. Their is no reason for you to be scared. You have family and friends by your side that are going to help you get through this." I say as I lean in to give her a hug.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THERE IS NO REASON TO BE SCARED! You obviously don't know how it feels to be raped, so don't tell me how to fucking feel." She yells.

"Oh, so you think worrying is gonna help fix the situation? This is fucking reality Brianna." I reply.

"You're the only person who needs a reality check! I'm not the one who keeps running back to the same guy who cheated on me 2 times thinking that he is gonna change." Brianna yells as she picks up my phone.

"What are you doing with my phone." I say as I get up off her bed.

"Handing it to you. You gotta go." She replies.

"Okay, I'll leave then."

I grab my phone out of brianna's hand and make my way downstairs.

Brianna's POV

I feel so stressed and scared. There is so many things going on in my life right now and I just can't take it anymore. I have my bestfriend mad at me and on the other hand zayden sexually assaulted me. I just want someone to tell me it's gonna be okay.

I started to feel my body beginning to slowly shake. Maybe it was anxiety but I didn't know what was going on with me. I get up to look for my mom and I find her in the living room watching tv. As I'm walking up to her, I began to feel dizzy. Before I knew it, I had fell on the floor.

"BRIANNA! BRIANNA! Baby say something!" My mom screams as she takes her phone out of her back pocket.

My mom begins to dial 911. I didn't know what was happening but I was having trouble breathing.

"Mom, I'm scared!" I say.

"I know, i know it's gonna be okay" she replies.

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