𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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Leilani's POV

The next day

It's currently first period. Our ela teacher, Mrs.Payne, assigned us a project that has to do with Romeo and Juliet. We have to do it with a partner that is the opposite sex of us. I didn't have any guy friends or got along with any so, everyone else was taken. Except for mikey...

"Leilani, do you have a partner?" Ms.Payne asked.

"No." I reply.

"Mikey could you work with Leilani on the project?" Mrs.Payne asked.

"Umm okay." He replied.

I felt like butterflies were in my stomach. I know we've talked before but this is the first real time we're having a conversation. I couldn't feel more nervous.

"Ok everyone, you will need the laptops in back to work on the project. You will share a blank google doc with your partner. Start discussing who will be the narrator and who will act out what part. Then, over the weekend you will read the last 5 chapters of "Romeo and Juliet". Mrs.Payne says.

When Mrs.Payne is finished talking, everyone grabs a laptop from the laptop cart in the back of the room. Mikey and I grab a laptop and head back to our seats.

As the both of us were sitting down, it was getting awkward so I decided to make conversation with him.

"So, how did you convince your mom in letting you get a tattoo?" I asked.

"She doesn't know." He replied.

"Well, she's gonna notice cause you play basketball with your shirt off."

"Nah, I'm not worried cause once it's on, it won't be coming off. My mom isn't gonna pay to get it removed. That shit is like hundreds of dollars cause my tattoo is big." He replied.

"Mhmm okay. It's your life and your choices" I reply.


As everyone was working on their projects, some guy knocks on the classroom door. Our teacher opens the door for this guy and he steps into the room.

"Is this room 207?" He asked.

"Yes. Are you a new student?" Our teacher replied.


"What's your name?" She asked.

"Jalen Green." He replied.

"Oh okay. Lemme just check to see if your name is on the attendance sheet."

As Ms.Payne goes back to her desk, everyone was staring at him. Especially the girls.
He was tall, brown skin and looked about 6'5. He had curly hair and some nice ass teeth.

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