𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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My eyes slowly start to open. All I see is doctors hovering over me. My mom is on my right balling her eyes out and my dad is on the left holding on to my hand.

One of the nurses saw me open my eyes and started to call my name, "Brianna? Brianna."

"Uhh yes?" I reply.

"How are you feeling? Describe how you feel right now?"

"Uhh i feel fine right now but I'm just confused." I say.

"Hmmm confused? Alrighty, I'm gonna ask you some questions to test your memory okay?"

"Okay." I replied.

"So, do you remember what happened?" She asks.

"All I remember is shaking and I was having trouble breathing."

The nurse starts taking notes of what I'm saying, "Do you know what happened before you started feeling that way?"

"My bestfriend and I had got into a argument so I felt a little stressed." I say.

"Okay, do you know where you are now?"

"Well, I'm guessing I'm in the hospital since I heard my mom calling 911."

"Yes, you are!" She replies.

The nurse turns to my parents and says, "well, it seems to me her memory is fine but we are trying to find out exactly why she passed out. So, we are going to take a blood test and send it to the lab. Once we find out why, one of the main doctors are going to speak to you and give you guys the results."

"Okay, thank you so much." My mom replied.

The nurse gets up of the stool next to my bed and says, "No problem. If you guys need anything just press the red button next to Brianna's bed and someone will come to assist you. Hope you feel better Brianna!"

"Thank you." I reply.

As the nurse walks out, another lady comes in.

"Hi, my name is doctor Patel. I'm here to take Brianna's blood so we can send it into the lab." She says.

She comes up to me and begins cleaning my arm with a wet wipe.

Once she is done drawing my blood, she puts a bandage on my arm to stop the bleeding. She tells us that it will take 20-30 minutes for the blood to arrive at the lab, 1 hour to test it and 20-30 minutes for it to come back to the hospital.

It was 2:00a in the morning and I just wanted to go home! Uggh.


About 2 hours later,

Doctor Patel comes back in with 2 papers in her hand, she begins to tell us the results.

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