𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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Mikey's POV

Tonight was the first game of the season. All I could hear was coach yelling at me telling me that I was looking like shit on this court right now. He is my personal trainer and makes me come to the arena 5 hours before the game starts.
     We came around 2p and it's now 5, so you can tell I've been working my ass off non-stop.

   "You better get your shit straight right now mikey or no college will wanna give you a scholarship!" He screamed.

    To be honest, I wasn't paying no mind to that man because I'm going give my all anyways! Just wait. Also, I wasn't in the greatest mood because of my dad.

   You see when I was about 5, my mom and dad got into a huge argument because he cheated on my mom and she found him having sex with this lady with me and my siblings in the house. Plates were thrown, water was splashed, and even windows were broken.

   But what got my dad the most furious was when my mom flushed there engagement ring down the toilet. They didn't really have a lot of money when they had my siblings and I, so they recently just got engaged. He was so mad, he started beating her. She was so badly injured she had to go into surgery immediately after because he fractured her skull.

  My siblings and I were at the kitchen table eating dinner and all we can hear was screaming. We all were scared but my 2 and 3 year old siblings were the ones crying. After he stopped beating her, he ran out the house and never came back. Literally the woman he was sleeping with had to call 911 because she had more respect for my mother than my dad did. She didn't know he was married at the time and had been seeing my dad for months now.

Eventually, a couple months later they put my dad in jail for 10 months but he got back in because he had been a suspect for murder. After that day, there was no more respect for that guy in our house at all. We weren't even aloud to mention his name infront of our mom.

   1 month ago, this nigga got out of jail and thought his ass was the man now. He went and bought us all flowers. They was cheap too. Then, he had the audacity to come to our house. He knock on the door and I answered,

    "Can I help you?" I say looking confused as hell cause some random ass man (I thought) had brought flowers with him.

    "Yes! Do you know if I can speak with Macalia please?" He says. I call my mom's name and she comes down the stairs to the front door.    

     "Mark" she says in a disappointed voice. "I don't wanna see you or have you around my kids! Leave right now before I call the cops."

   He starts getting angry and says, "Why can't I see my kids. I helped you make them! I have every right to see them!".

     "Well you sure didn't stick around to raise them!" She replies.

   I enter the conversation after he says the word "kids". "Kids?" I say. "Sir, you must have the wrong house."

     He looks at my mom and my mom looks back. "Macalia, Do you wanna tell him who I am?" He says.

       "Mikey.... This is your dad, Mark Williams."

   I automatically snatch the flowers out his hand and throw them at his face.

   "How the fuck your bitch ass gonna come over here acting like you the man now and think you can win our hearts over with flowers?!" I start getting angry at him. I honestly just wanna smack the shit out of him.

    My mom says, "Mikey, Calm down and watch your tone!"

     I responded, "No, because 11 years of my life I grew up with no father! Your ass could've been here when i went to school for the first time, graduated elementary and middle school and see me meet the biggest names in basketball you've ever heard of. Hell, my best friend is Lebron James's son and Lebron has been the best father figure I could ever have. And least he stayed around for his kids!"

"Do you how much of a impact it has on a child when they have no father around? It hurts to know that when you just want your father there, his ass left because he couldn't be the man for my mother. And you know what? I'm glad your ass got locked up cause you didn't deserve to see me grow up."

    I was so upset tears started running down my face and I never cry no matter what. But this shit just hit different. His ass looked stupid too because there was really nothing he could say and he was just standing there. He knew I was right and he had no excuse for leaving us. I mean come on, how you gonna say you ain't wrong for leaving your family because you couldn't be the man you want your son to be?

   After I caught my breath I say "For 11 years, I wonder why I wasn't good enough for you. You had a wonderful family by your side and decided to give that all up. I had to learn to do everything my father should've taught me by myself. I didn't need you and I don't need you now."
   I was tired of arguing with him so I said my last words to him, "You left once, now you can leave again." Without hesitation, I slam the door on him and start running upstairs.

   My mom started calling my name to comfort me but I had already ran in my room and locked my door.

     I thought to myself, why wasn't I good enough for him? After saying everything I said, I wonder if I had a purpose in life. All my friends had dads who came to every game, every time and supported they asses 24/7. I looked stupid because I had no father there.

   I couldn't do anything else but just cry. Even though I felt weak when I did cry, I just couldn't help it. I guess it's true when they say "Real men cry!" After all, it seems im the only real man that's ever walked foot in this house...

*Hey everyone! If you made it this far in the book thank you because honestly I feel it's so bad but I kinda like it. Votes and feedback are appreciated! Byeeeeee 👋🏽*

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