𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗

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*Quickly I just wanna say thank you for 1k views on this book! I really appreciate you guys taking the time out of your day to read this lame ass book.*


As I enter my homeroom, all eyes were on me.
Oh, how much I love being the center of attention 🙄.

"Hello! I'm Mrs. Roggers your homeroom teacher but you can call me Mrs. R, Are you Michael Williams?" the teacher asked.

"Umm yes." I replied. I hate being called by my birth name but it is school so it wasn't a shock to me.

"I heard people call you by mikey. Would you like me to call you that instead?" She asked.

"Sure!" I said.

"Okay. Well your seat is right next to Leilani Shawns. Leilani, raise your hand please!" She says.

I turn around and Leilani slowly raises her hand. She smirks at me and I smirk back. I suddenly get nervous. I think i'm really catching feelings for this girl.

I sit next Leilani and just go on my phone. As I'm looking at the comments of my recent post, I remembered she commented on it. I was curious to know why she would comment "heart eyes". Does she like me?

"Hey, why did you comment heart eyes on my post?" I asked Leilani.

"Uhh, i don't know really why. I just did." She replies.

"Oh okay. Umm... can I see your schedule?" I ask.

She pulls out her schedule and hands it to me. I take a look and see that we have every class together expect for chemistry and math, which I'm happy about cause whenever I'm around this girl, I just can't stop smiling.

The bells finally rings which means it is
the start of 1st period. As soon as we walk out of the classroom, Leilani turns around. She looked like she was gonna ask me something but before she could even say anything this bozo Zayden walks up to us.

He leans in for a kiss from her but she moved away. I started to giggle 🤭.

"Oh so it's like that?" He asked.

He takes Leilani's books out of her hand and throws them across the hall. Everyone's attention was soon on the both of them.

"Zayden! What the fuck is wrong with your dumbass. I have every right to ignore you after all you've done to me. You never check up on me and always take your actions out on me and my friends who want nothing to do with you." She screams.

He starts yelling and screaming unnecessary stuff to Leilani. I felt bad because at this point, tears started running down her face.

Suddenly, my blood started to boil. This all reminds me of the relationship between my dad and I. I know how it feels to be unwanted and ignored. Without a doubt, I punched him in the face. I hate letting my anger take over me but at least one good thing I got from my dad was knowing how to fight.

Soon, the deans see me and Zayden throwing hands at each other so they broke up the fight. They dragged me, Zayden and Leilani into the principals office.
I was thinking to myself Leilani was gonna hate me after this. Why did I let my anger take control of me?

Leilani's POV

I felt so embarrassed. I should've left zay's ass in the first place. He does nothing but make my life more miserable then it already is.

The deans made us write exactly what happened so they can do a little "Investigation 🙄", even though all they were gonna do is call our parents and give us in or out of school suspension.
I turn my head to see what mikey was doing. Turns out he was just staring at me.
When I finally come back to reality, I soon come to realize this boy really just stood up for me. I don't even really know him that well but he just did something zay would never do for me in a million years.

I wispered to him, "Thank you."

"No probelm." He replied as he smiled at me.

I gave mikey a big hug and I could tell Zayden was staring at us getting mad but at this point I didn't even care.

1 hour later

Not long later, my dad comes walking into the main office looking disappointed as hell. I hate seeing him upset at me but after the fight, it's not like I didn't expect it.


I was so nervous. He is so used to Xavier being the one to get into trouble. He never ever has to lecture me.

"Yes?" I say nervously.

"What happened?" He says as he lowers his voice.

"Well my friend, Mikey and this boy named Zayden got into a fight because.... me and Zayden got into a argument and it escalated." I reply.

"Why did it escalate?" He asked.

"Because.... umm... we started cursing at each other." I reply.

My dad thought I never ever cursed but I had to make something up so he wouldn't find out about me and Zayden.

"Oh, so your using curse words now?" He asks.

I stay silent.

"Ok, lemme tell you something. Just because you are 16 doesn't mean your grown. I see what you wear everyday and I let it slide but cursing has got to go. As long as you are living under my roof, you abide by my rules! Do you hear me Leilani?" He says.

"Yes, I know." I reply feeling embarrassed because the whole main office, Mikey and Zayden can hear us.

After he lectures me, he just walks away. He doesn't even say bye.

I thought to myself, "Why did this all have to happen on the first day of school? Just why!"

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