𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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1 week later

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. It's 7a in the morning and I'm curious to know the schedule for today. We don't get them until we walk into the school.

I try not to waste to much time since I know my dad is driving me and X. And even though I hate school, you really can't be late on the first day of school.

As I rub my eyes as I get out of bed, I go straight to my closet to pick out my outfit. I decided to wear a red boyz n the hood crop-top and black cargo pants.

 I decided to wear a red boyz n the hood crop-top and black cargo pants

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After picking out my outfit, I head into my bathroom and freshen up. I took a shower the night before so all I had to really do was wash my face and brush my teeth.


Once I was finally done getting ready, I head downstairs to the kitchen. As I walk into the kitchen I see my dad and Xavier eating breakfast.

I sneak behind my dad and give him a big hug. Usually around special occasions like this, my dad seems to feel very depressed because he doesn't want us to grow up so fast 🥺.
I try my best to cheer him up the most I can but sometimes I feel the same way he does. I definitely miss my childhood, when everything was okay.

"I don't really have appetite today so I'll just wait to eat lunch" I say.

"Okay." My dad replies.

Once x and dad are finished, we head out.
While my dad and x are talking about basketball related shit, I scroll through Instagram and see that Mikey posted.

Me being the fucking bold person I am, I decided to comment heart eyes under his post. He might not even notice it though but whatever.

20 minutes later

We finally arrived at school and suddenly I feel very nervous but I brush it off.

"Bye dad, We love you 😘 " I say to my dad as he rolls up the window driving away.

"Love you too 😘!" He replies.

As soon as I turn back to my brother, his ass took off. I guess seniors don't socialize with juniors. Whether they're related or not 🙄.

We still had 30 minutes until school started so I went around to look for Brianna. As soon as I start looking for her, I get a notification:

Bri 💞 - I'm not coming today 😔

Me - wait why?

Bri 💞 - I'm throwing up left and right. Idk why

Me - okay 😫 afterschool I'll come to check on you, okay?

Bri 💞 - okay I'll see u 😘

Me - seee yaaa 😘

I was pretty bummed Brianna wasn't going. I could tell today was gonna be so boring without her but what can I really do.


Mikey's POV

All I hear is people calling my name.
I love getting attention because of my career but sometimes it gets overwhelming. I can't even go to the mall anymore. But one thing I have to be careful of is certain people wanting to be my "friend" because you never know who really wants to be your friend or who wants to use you just for clout.

That's why I really just hang with bronny. He gets everything I go through and I know he's a real one.

25 minutes later, school is finally in session. They tell us all to make our way into the auditorium so we can all find out our schedules.

A-Z, school aids call us by our last names and after ages they finally call my name.

I stand up, grab my schedule and head up to my homeroom.

* I know this chapter was short but it gets better I promise!*

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