𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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Leilani's POV

X and I arrived at the arena around 6:55p. This place was packed but what can I say, Lebron James's son, Bron himself and Mikey were all here anyways.
Once Xavier and I got pass security we sat down on the bleachers and waited. Eventually x's friends Kenny and Jordan showed up. Then, the game started. Again, I payed no mind because I didn't really give a fuck about basketball. So, I pop in my AirPods and listened to Music.
Before I know it I hear arguing. I look up to see mikey and jayla having at it. I love myself some drama so I take out my AirPods and listen.

"WHY THE FUCK WAS THIS DUDE RUBBING YOUR THIGH!" All the arena did was gasp. People were recording, laughing and throwing things at jayla. I don't know how all this shit unfolded but this girl looking dumb as hell. And from what I just heard, I could watch this shit all day 💀.

"Babe, can you stop screaming and let me explain!" She begged.

    "What is there to explain?! A guy had his hand on your thigh, and was rubbing on you! He replied.

I mean mikey was right cause that's literally all she said that happened but I wanted to hear what her ass had to say.

  "You know what, if there is nothing to talk about I'll leave! This game is trash. I didn't wanna see your ugly desperate-ass play anyways."

Mikey responds," Desperate? How am I desperate?"

"Your thirsty ass wanted me here!" She replies.

"So your saying I'm fucking desperate because I want you to see me play? Wow, I'm sorry for wanting a supportive-ass girlfriend."

   At this point, she starts crying and all you hear is booing from the crowd.
  Her friend mia drags her out of the arena because even mia knew she was embarrassing herself.

Mikey ran back into the locker room as his coach and friends follow him. As he was running back it seemed I was the only one who noticed he dropped his phone in the middle of the court. I told my brother to get it because I'm lazy ass fuck. He picks it up then without asking he places it in my lap.

  "Nigga, I don't want it!" I say looking confused on why he gave it to me. He doesn't respond tho. As usual...

I turn on Mikey's phone and all I see is iMessage notifications from Jayla.
Honestly, I feel so bad for this guy. He seems so innocent and this boy was just trying to have a good game. I can't imagine all the unwanted attention he got.

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