𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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  Mikey's POV

I quickly ran into the locker room. I felt so embarrassed because I got so much unwanted attention because of Jayla.     

Soon, Coach and some of my teammates come running in.

   Coach looks at me and says, "Mikey, you got a whole future ahead of you! You shouldn't let some 16 year old girl come between you and your career. You're here for one reason only, to play the game. Not for someone to play with your feelings. So get your ass back out on the court!"

  Then, dumbass Julian comes in and says, "Periodatt Pooh ."

  I swear this nigga Julian funny as hell but he sometimes makes jokes at the wrong time and place.

  I took coach's advice and got back out on the court. I'm not about to let some fake ass bitch fuck up my chance of winning this game.

  The rest of the game went smoothly, turns out we beat them 97 to 86. I was proud of myself because I suffer with extreme anger issues and I did not let my feelings get in the way of this game.
     After the game, the whole team planned to go out for food. As we are walking toward the parking lot, I realized my phone wasn't on me. I check my bag and it's not in there. I ran back quickly as I could into the arena.

  Leilani's POV

I was finally relieved the game ended. Before we left, I let xavier know that I was gonna look around for mikey so I can return his phone. To be honest, I was kinda excited I had his phone. I finally get to talk to this cutie.

  I looked all around for mikey and could not find him. I decided that the first day of school I will try to find him again and hopefully return it to him.
   As I'm walking towards the exit, Mikey comes running right past me. All I did was stand there and stare at him. I was so focused on him my ass forgot I had his phone in my hand. I start following behind him.

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