𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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Before I knew it, it was 6:30p. The game started in 30 minutes. When I was in my little flashback, all my team mates arrived and went to the locker rooms to get ready. I get up from my seat in the arena, get my phone and run into the locker rooms as quickly as I could.

   As the whole team sees me run into the room, coach yells "What was your ass doing in there! Our first game of the season is in 30 minutes and we can't start with a raggedy-ass mindset."
As I get on my jersey and tie my shoes, I get a iMessage notification:

Jayla - WYA??

Me - I'm in the locker room getting ready. You here?

Jayla 🥴😍- Yes baby🥰. Ofc!

Jayla 🥴😍- Don't stress. Just focus and put your head in the game.

Me - Okay 👌 Thank you 💞 much love.

Jayla's words really got me motivated. After all the shit that's happened recently, I needed someone to be by my side.

*Hey everyone! I know this is a short chapter but I just really wanna get to the part when mikey and lei notice each other so stay tuned!*

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