Chapter 1

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My mind goes in a trance as I look out the window of my house.

My older brother, Dean, looks at me in confusion, but doesn't say anything about it.

I was thinking about so many things, but I'm mainly focused on my mom.

She has passed away 4 years ago, and it left us all defenseless. She was the relative that brings the whole family together, and without her...Things just aren't going so well.

My brothers and I got into violence, and our dad doesn't care about us anymore.

And ever since mom died, The Twisters got onto us.

There are two gangs in the world. Twisters and Sallows.

I'm a Sallow, and let me tell's not the best life.

First off, we're too popular. Even when I started school, girls and boys noticed me.

But I wasn't always in school though. Dean wanted me to be in school, and he says it's because I'm stupid. And to be honest, I agree with him.

Second off, we're known for a bad reputation. Since we're into the "violence" thing, everyone kinda hates us. But I don't get why they don't hate the Twisters since they like violence too.

As I walked stepped out of the doorway, Dean immediately turned to me. "What're you doing?" He asks firmly. "I'm going to my spot." I answer. "Well, don't get hurt or else you're in big trouble."

For some reason, Dean hates me. And I could tell too. He's always so aggressive with me, and sometimes threatens me too. But of course, I'm only 14, and I can't really do anything about it.

I sat down on the cold ground and just sat there. My favorite spot to be at was the forest. It makes me calm and it helps me escape reality.

As I was about to fall asleep, Ethan woke me up. Ethan is still my older brother, but he's not the oldest. He's around 16, and Dean is 18. "Hey there Caden. What're you doing here again?" Ethan asks in confusion. I shrug. "Well, Dean wants you inside." He continues.

I silently got up and went inside. Dean was there, and he said that I should finally go to school. When I asked him who was gonna be dropping me off, he said that Aaron was going to.

Aaron is another one of my brothers, and again, he's older than me. He's pretty tall though. He's around 6'3, and girls adore him for that. But of course, he doesn't care about them.

"Dean never take me anywhere! Can you at least-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before Dean stopped me mid way. "No. I already told you Aaron is picking you up from school." He said quietly. I roll my eyes. "Well, you better get some sleep." Aaron's voice emerges out of nowhere.

"Kay," I slowly headed off to my room. Then after that, I fell asleep.

. . .

When I woke up, the dread of going to school hit me. I don't really know why, but for some reason I despise school. Not hate, but despise. It's probably because my brothers brainwashed me by homeschooling me.

I got ready for school, wearing some "bad boy" clothes. And when I arrived, a girl immediately came up to me. "Hey Sallow!" She says excitedly.

"Please don't call me by that. Call me by my name." I politely say.

"Okay...what is your name?" She asks.

"Caden Sallow."

She smiles warmly. "Cool! I'm Ava."

Ava. I thought to my self.

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