Chapter 11

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The look of guilt was in Dean's eyes as we cleaned him up.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asks, concerned about the look in him.

"It's my fault. It's all my fault that I got hurt, and you guys got worried, and..."

"No it's not. Don't say that. Because of you, we scared The Twisters away." Ethan says and smiles faintly.

"I...I guess so." Dean says.

I watched as they cleaned his wounds professionally.

When they were done, Dean tried to move a little but fell.

"Does it still hurt?" Lucas asks in concern.

"Yeah, a little. But I'm fine I swear." Dean says and gets up again.

"Welp. I'll be in my room if you need me." He says as if he was ignoring his wounds.

I was confused but didn't really do anything about it.

Ethan checks his phone randomly and tells me that I have to go to school tomorrow.

"What? But what about Dean? Will he be okay?" I ask fearfully.

"He's fine under our care." Aaron says and smiles.

I smile back and headed to my room to sleep.

I slowly drifted off to sleep as the rest of the guys started to get ready for bed.

. . .

I woke up and groaned exhaustingly.

As usual, I got ready for school and said bye to everyone.

When I got there, Ava immediately walked up to me.

"Hey again!" She says and smiles warmly.

"Hey." I say blandly.

"So's your brothers?" She asks but I could tell she was uncomfortable asking the question.

"They're fine." I lie but felt guilty about it a few seconds later.

"Well okay, then let's get to class." She suggests.

I slowly walk to class, ignoring all fan girls that came near me.

I day dream about really nothing, when the teacher called me.

"Caden? Are you even listening?" The teacher asks.

I shook my head.

"Nope." I say carelessly.

The kids all stared to laugh as the teacher couldn't really care less.

"Look, I guess I need to speak to your parents about this behavior, young man." He says and picks up the phone.

"Uh...I don't have my parents anymore." I say awkwardly.

The teacher makes a slight pause, but continues to talk.

"Any guardians?" He asks.

"Yeah. My brothers." I say and told him Aaron's phone number.

"Hello? Yes, your brother has been very disrespectful and-" the teacher stops talking as I heard Aaron's angry voice through the phone.

"Do you even know what's going on at home? If not, I think he has every right to act that way, so if you could kindly let 'em leave early, that'd be nice, thank you." Aaron says as he hangs out early.

The teacher's expression was so annoyed, he could've exploded.

" can leave...for now." The teacher says, annoyed.

I smugly walk out and headed to the rooftop to meet Ava.

"Hey Ava, whatcha doing?" I say.

"Hey, I'm just here watching the sky, y'know." She explains.

"Oh okay...listen, I'm leaving early, wanna visit my house real quick?" I ask excitedly.

Her face went pale and she looked nervous.

"Sorry...I can't." She says sadly.

"Please?" I beg.

She paused, but then agreed.

. . .

"Guys, this is Ava." I boldly say.

They all look at her strange, but don't really say anything.

"Oh hi! I'm Ethan." Ethan says and smiles warmly.

"The name's Aaron." Aaron says with confidence.

But Dean doesn't say anything.

"...Where did you find her?" Dean finally says.

"Uh...she's at my school." I say awkwardly.

"I ain't trusting her." He snaps.

Then at the corner of my eye, I spot Lucas looking so nervous.

"Hey Lucas, what's wrong?" I ask, concerned about his expression.

"It's...nothing." He says and denies being anxious.

"Hey! We're not done with this conversation young man." Dean says firmly.

I hated when he says "young man," mainly because that's when I know he was irritated.

"She isn't a threat!" I say, getting more irritated by the thought of her being a threat.

"Yeah...Caden's right, she seems harmless." Ethan agrees.

Aaron and Lucas dont say anything.

Instead, they just stared at the ground.

"You guys are being so irrational! Look at her, she's shaking for God's sake!" Dean yells, making everyone startled.

I look at Ava, and Dean was right.

She was clearly shaking.

"Uh...maybe I should go..." Ava says nervously and proceeds to walk out the door before Dean throws a knife toward her, and missing the shot.

"Ugh! Scram already!" He yells at her, making her run fast out the door.

"What...What is wrong with you?!" I yell angrily.

"That girl...she seemed untrustworthy." He replies quietly.

I clench my teeth in anger and stomped to my room silently.

Then, I hear Dean breathe out slowly.

" day he's gonna get killed trusting people like that." He says to himself.

"You can't blame 'em though, I mean, she really did seem harmless, even to me." Aaron comments.

"Really? You are think so too, Aaron?" Dean says.

"Yeah. I guess so." He seemed kinda stressed about picking a side.

It was either me or Dean, and Aaron isn't the type of guy that picks with a breeze.

It takes him a while to think about it.

"And what about you Lucas? What do you think?"

Lucas doesn't say anything, almost like he was afraid to answer.

Once I heard enough, I slowly walked back to them, thinking about the choices I just made.

Everyone turns to me, and I sighed slowly.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? If you really think she's dangerous, maybe you should talk to her more thoroughly, Dean." I explain.

Dean doesn't say anything, but nods instead.

"Okay. I guess I'll try." He says with doubt.

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