Chapter 7

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"Hey there Sallow—I mean—Caden." Ava says.

I look at her and smiled.

"Hey." I say.

"So...I was watching the news..." She says and seems to stumble for words.

"Mhm." I say.

"And..You were on there...With your brothers." She says quietly.

I stopped looking at her.

Then I felt ashamed.

What a coincidence. I thought.

"Yeah, uh...I gotta go." I get up and walk to the boys bathroom.

"Wait! I..."

I ignore her and proceed to walk to the bathroom.

When I got there, I just started thinking.

"Does she see anything any thing in me now that we hurt the Twisters?" I thought.

Then, something breaks the wall of the bathroom.

I shriek and back away.

Something had fallen from the sky.

And it looked dangerous.

I slowly walk toward it, being cautious of each step.

It looked like it came from another planet.

And it looked like a weapon.

I started thinking if I should grab it or not.

My mind felt like it was in circles.

Then out of hesitation, I grab it.


Surprisingly, it didn't do anything.

I look at it for a good 2 minutes, and then putted it in my pocket.

I causally walk out the bathroom, trying not to draw any attention.

It worked and I made it to class.

I couldn't even pay attention, I was just so nervous that someone would find out that I have a mysterious weapon in my pocket.

"Caden Sallow? Could you go up to the board to solve a problem?" The teacher asks.

"Oh crap." I thought.

I nod silently and slowly walk to the board.

I sweated so much, you could obviously tell I was sweating.

I grab my collar out of nervousness, and then proceeded to write the answer, not sure of what I was writing.

When I was done, I quickly walk to my seat and smiled nervously.

The teacher looked at the board, and then looks at me back with confusion.

"Uh...what exactly did you write?" The teacher says.

I looked at the board and froze.

I was so stupid that I put an offensive comment on the board.

I facepalmed and sweared out of frustration.

"Oh, that's nothing." I say.

People then started to laugh hysterically.

My eyes widened.

My brothers are definitely gonna kill me when I get home.

My face gets red, and I run out the classroom.

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