Chapter 14

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"D-Dean wait!" I hear Lucas say as he runs after Dean, who was running to me. As expected, Twisters were everywhere. "I don't even know how you escaped, but you're dead meat now," Jayden growls.

"What does he mean by that?" Dean asks me, becoming more irritated at the scenery. "Nothing!" I mutter. He then grabs me by the shirt and lifts me up furiously. "Answer me!" He screams in anger. "This will  be fun to watch." I hear Pete say. I quickly caught a glance at him and saw something in his hand—a syringe. No... I thought. How could Pete possibly put the syringe in Dean so quickly and got away with it?! "Dean calm down!" Lucas yells and pulls his arm down. Dean looks at Lucas in anger, but calmed down a little and dropped me.

"Lucas...I'm...I'm sorry...And...You too Caden..." Dean says and tears up. It shocked me because I had never seen Dean cried. He says it's for stupid and weak people. Lucas hugged Dean so tightly, and Dean hugged back. Lucas blushed a little and smiled brightly. "Are you alright now?" He asks, almost whispers. "Yeah," Dean replies. I looked over and found Jayden's face as displeased as he saw them "reunite." "Ugh, I guess we need another syringe in him..." I hear Jayden whisper to Pete, but the rest was inaudible. Pete smiled and told the rest of his members to attack, in which they did.

"Lucas, protect Caden! I'll fight 'em off!" Dean yells and attacks them one by one. I stood there helplessly as Lucas protected me. When everyone was beaten, Dean walked over to Jayden. "Hah! No one left for you to rely on, idiot!"

"...Are you sure about that?"

Then all of a sudden, Dean lets out a blood-curdling scream and falls down. Both me and Lucas watched in horror as we saw the syringe stuck perfectly in his back. "Dean! No..." Lucas falls to the ground and tries to communicate with Dean, but there was no response. I clench my hands into fists and walked toward them. "Get out of here," I say quietly. "And you think you can make us-" I held up a dagger. "Get out of here!" I repeated with more aggression. They must've gotten the hint because they soon left without a word.

As we escorted Dean back inside the house, Aaron and Ethan were worried sick and saw Dean's body on the ground. "Jesus, what happened to him?!" Aaron stared at Dean. "He got stabbed with syringes filled with some sort of liquid."
"Most likely the ones from the hospital, don't you think?" Ethan was a little more curious than scared.
I nod silently. That could be a possibility. It would explain his aggression toward us when they first stuck the needle in him.

"Man, I don't even wanna look at him. He's so stupid." Aaron frowns. "I don't get why he wants to be 'the tough guy,' when in reality he ain't nothin'." Ethan takes a soft jab at Aaron's arm and he suddenly stops talking. "So...what're we gonna do now?" Lucas asks in worry. "We wait," Aaron replies with no expression.



"But what if he's about to die?"

"Stop worrying so much! Jesus, I don't get it! You care so much about him, but yet you barely know anything about him! It's so stupid, and that's what I hate about you! Your stupidity!" Aaron yelled and seems so angry at that time, I thought he was gonna take a hit at Lucas. "You know what?! I don't get it with you either! You seem like you're so...dead inside! Even more than Dean himself! You don't seem to have sympathy for anything, even if it was your brothers!" Lucas takes a stand and yells back at him.

Aaron didn't say anything. He wanted to say something, I could tell. But I guess he felt like if he did, he would get punched in the face by hatred. Instead, he just walked out of the conversation, and walked into his room, slamming the door. Lucas sat on the couch and tucked his head in his hands. "I swear, I can't handle him sometimes. He's cool to be around with, but if you tick him off, he goes ham." Lucas explains in a low tone.

"Yeah. He was always like that. Stubborn. But hey, you can't change that about him. It's what makes him stronger." Ethan comments. Then out of nowhere, Dean slowly opens his eyes. We all turn to him and looked at him for a second. "Dean...?" I call out. Dean turns his head to me and I swear for a second his eyes turned red. "Where. Am. I." Dean asks in a voice that didn't sound like a question.

"'re at your house," Lucas answers in confusion. Dean looks around, then looks back at us. "Where are the Twisters?" Was Dean's next question.

"They left like cowards," Aaron steps in the discussion. Dean grunts. "We were so close to killing them, I know it!" Dean was more aggressive than usual, I could tell. "Chill-" I couldn't finish my sentence since Dean interrupted me with his hand squeezing my throat.

Aaron's eyes widened and he hit Dean's leg quite furiously. "Leave him alone." Aaron says bluntly, but Dean resisted. "You don't get to talk to me like that." Dean says quietly. "Stop! Leave him alone, or I'll hit you with more strength." Aaron threatens but in a calm tone.

Dean sighs and lets me go. I proceeded to start coughing and gasping for air, but Dean didn't seem to care. Ethan came rushing and to and asking me if I was alright. "I'm...I'm fine." He comforts me and I smile warmly. Lucas then walks up to Dean nervously. "Dean...Are you okay?" He blurts out. Dean looks at him and tears start to build in his eyes. He then looks and me and saw the marks on my neck from his and clenching my throat. "I'm sorry, I really am! I can't believe I was related to mom. I'm so pathetic." He says as he tries to cover up his tears.

"You're not pathetic." Aaron announces. "And don't ever say that about yourself." He continues. "You're our brother, and we don't want to see you like that. Those stupid Twisters got the better of you though, and they made you believe you were pathetic. But you're not. You're really not," Ethan says in a calming tone. Dean looks at Lucas.

"You probably think in crazy huh?" Dean asks and chuckles. Lucas chuckles too. "Nah, you just have anger issues." Lucas answers. Dean then hugs me tightly. "I'm sorry bro. Those stupid Twisters..." His voice trails off. "Can you forgive me?" I hesitated, but agreed and smiled brightly while hugging him back.

"Caden?" a voice emerges from the door. "I came to talk to you, so answer the"

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