Chapter 2

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When I was walking home from school, I saw my brothers on the ground and what it seems like another guy laid down.

I walked towards them, and when I got a good look, I realized that he was a Twister. Twisters have this type of look that I couldn't describe. Like, that evil, but handsome look.

The guy was unconscious and his eyes were closed shut.

"Wake up!" Dean yells and slaps the guy. The guy opens his eyes, revealing a grayish-brown color in them. "Where am I?..." He jolts up. "Where are the rest of the members?" He continues to himself. He then turns to us. "You guys are Sallows..." His eyes widened as he said that. "Don't worry. You're not gonna get hurt." Aaron soothes him with his words.

Dean scoffs. "For now..." he  mutters. "Anyways, what's your name?" Ethan joins the conversation. "Lucas...Lucas Flynn." He stuttered.

I look at Lucas like he's crazy.

He ain't mad or anything? I thought.

Dean glares at Lucas like he did something wrong.

I rolled my eyes but helped Lucas up.

After introducing, we—except Dean—decided that it would be a good idea to invite him to our group.

And that's what we did.

"R-Really? You want me in your group?" Lucas stutters in excitement.

I nodded silently.

And just like that, he joined.

. . .

Then, all of a sudden, a Lamborghini pulls up to our house.

Something is going to happen,

I know it.

But still, I walk toward them, hands in pockets.

Dean swears at me and tells me to come here, but I didn't care.

The Twisters got out and forced me in their car. My brothers, including Lucas, tried to pull me out, but it was no use.

When I was inside, I realized who I was with.

There were 3 Twisters in there with me, snickering and saying how much money they could make holding me for ransom.

I was shocked.

"What are you guys going to do to me?" I frantically ask.

One of them smiled at me and says,

"You'll see."

They then start driving away fast, leaving Ethan with tears in his eyes.

"I just can't believe it! We actually caught a Sallow! Just wait until Boss hears about this!" One of the Twisters says excitedly.

I roll my eyes.

They're never gonna get anything out of me.

All they gonna get is my silence.

'Cause I'm not gonna say anything.

When we arrived, they forced me out of their car.

"Nice lambo," I say in sarcasm. "Thanks. Bought it myself." A Twister says happily.

I roll my eyes as they escort me to their "lair".

"Who is this?" Their leader said with seriousness.

"This is a former Sallow. He could possibly tell us useful information about the Sallows, sir." The Twister says and bows gracefully afterward.

"Hm.." their leader says and scans me up and down.

I look at him and scrunch my face in anger.

He obviously didn't seem to notice.

"Leave me. I'm going to have a chat with him."

The members silently leave, leaving only me and him in the room.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

"Information on The Sallows of course." their leader says and then chuckles a bit.

I look at the chains they cuffed to me.

Then, I shake my head in disagreement.

"Nope. Not gonna happen, buddy." I say and crack a smile.

He looks at me and tries to keep his cool.

"I'm sorry, but I haven't introduced my self." He politely says.

"I am Duke. The leader of all Twisters." He says and starts pacing back and forth.

"And I have a great mission, so I have to achieve it." Duke continues.

"But I am NEVER going to achieve it if you don't tell me anything. And I don't want to unfortunately...eliminate you, now do I?" He says and smiles sadistically.

I stand there in silence.

Then I start laughing.

"You could never kill me. You're too weak in the heart." I say, still laughing.

Duke looks at me like I'm unworthy but still manages to smile.

"We'll see about that." He says and silently sits on his "throne."

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