Chapter 10

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As we opened the door to our house, Aaron and Lucas were already there, waiting for us.

Lucas then hugs Dean tightly.

"You okay?" He asks softly.

"Yeah. I'm okay." Dean replies and smiles warmly.

I smile at the scene, but turned to look at Aaron.

And he looked mad.

"What were you guys doing at the hospital?" He asks firmly.

"We were taking Dean home." Ethan says calmly.

I nod along with him, hoping for Aaron to let it slide.

"And what if Dean needed to stay there for a while longer, huh? Then you guys would've been in more trouble then you're in now." Aaron explains, keeping that same scary tone he usually uses when he was mad.

I gulp.

"H-He's fine though." I say as my words stammered like crazy.

He looks at me suspiciously like he knew everything.

"Okay. I'll let it slide...for now." He says as he sits on the couch.

Me and Ethan both sigh in relief.

"So, whatcha guys do when I was gone?" Dean asks and smirks.

"Eh, nothing. Just a lot of arguing over ya." Lucas says and chuckles.

"Ah, I see..I must really be that cool." Dean brags.

We all laugh and I went to hug him.

"I'm glad to see you back." I say affectionately.

"Me too, bro." He replies with a soothing tone.

When we stopped hugging, we saw Ethan shedding a tear, but he quickly wiped it away.

All of a sudden, there was an unexpected knock at the door.

We all turned our heads toward the door and our anxiety levels increased.

"I'll get it." Dean says exhaustedly.

When he opened the door, police ran through and pointed their guns towards us.

"We need to see Dean, if you please." One of the cops say politely.

I silently pointed behind them, in which they turn their backs and saw him.

"Lemme guess...I'm going to jail?" Dean says, not amused by the whole situation.

"No. It just appears to us you left the hospital without permission." He says.

Dean's eyes widen.

"What? No, the doctors gave me permission, idiots." He says in shock.

They all shook their heads.

"That's not what we heard." A policeman says.

Dean clenches his teeth and swears quietly.

"Can't ya just let me live my life? Do you even know what they do to me when nobody's around? They stick needles in me, that's what. And it messes with my head so much that it leaves me with my personality gone."

Now it was the polices' turn to be in shock.

"Did they really do that to you?" He asks quietly.

Dean looked like he was frustrated, but nodded silently.

The cops then say that they were gonna head off and speak to the doctors.

The door closes, and it leaves Dean with a dull look on his face.

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