Chapter 16

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I couldn't believe it...Does she actually want to be with me? I started smiling to myself. Finally! I could leave his stupid and destructive family once and for all. But wait...what was I thinking? Why do I want to leave my brothers behind so badly? "Does she mean it?" I hear myself say quietly. Lucas gets flustered and turns away. "I mean...She kinda sounded like it..."

"But you're not leaving right?" Ethan asks me. I look away, then looked back at him. I didn't want to say anything because I felt like if I did then they would be heartbroken...But I don't have a choice! It was either that or I stay here and die alone--And I know for sure I don't want to die alone. "Let's just...ignore this for now..." I say quietly again. I went to bed silently and didn't dare to talk to anyone for the rest of the night.

. . .

I woke up and it was time for school. I had this unattachable feeling on my back, but other than that, I felt completely fine. I got ready for school and when I got dropped off, Ava immediately went up to me. "So what's your decision? Do you want to switch sides?" I didn't speak. I didn't even have an answer at that point. I want to be with her, don't get me wrong but... My brothers...

"Look, Caden. Your family has done nothing but bad to you. Dean is abusive and selfish, Your dad was also abusive, and your mother died. Do you seriously still want to be with them?" Ava explains. I could tell she was trying to convince me, and surprisingly, it's working.

I sighed and walked past her, desperate to walk away from the situation. I walked into the bathroom and sobbed--but you probably already knew I was gonna do that. Of course, the school didn't matter to me anymore. Nothing matters to me anymore.

"Caden Sallow, will you please report to the front office?" I hear the announcement. I sighed again and headed to the front, where I was greeted by the principal. "Hello Caden..." She says and smiles. I wasn't amused by that time and put my hands in my pockets. "What now?" I ask.

"Join Ava...please." Wow. She's in the action now? "Oh yeah? And what's in it for me?" I ask, still not amused. "Well for starters, your brother Dean isn't going to jail." My eyes widened. No...I don't want him to go to jail. Now I was convinced. I bit my lip in frustration and ran home.

When I got home early, I was so panicked. So many things can happen if I don't join the Twisters. Being a 14-year-old, Things can convince me easily. Those stupid Twisters... I thought. Why are they so good at manipulating? This time though, I had to make a choice--one I will probably regret. Do I join the Twisters or stay in my group?

My mind goes in circles as it tries to understand the concept, but no luck. I needed to seriously calm down, but I didn't know how to. It was like I was stuck between a green light and a red light at the same time.

I wanted to speak to someone, but it was like my vocals were smashed and shattered. And plus, even if I did say anything, my brothers would probably judge me like they always do. But maybe I don't have to make a choice...maybe I could just leave my brothers without a trace...

. . .

I decided I should pack up my stuff. I finally had my answer and I was gonna tell my brothers it. But as I was about to tell them, they were already at the door, one by one. "Caden..." Ethan says. I could hear the sadness and guilt in his voice. "Don't do this, man." I hear Aaron follow. I had never heard such sadness in my life.

"Guys," I finally mustered up all the courage to tell them. "I'm leaving...And I'm not coming back." They were all in shock. They acted as if I had committed a violation. "No!" Lucas yells. Dean didn't say anything. I sighed and slowly walked out the door, but as I did, a hand pulled me over.

It was Dean, and he had tears in his eyes.

"Caden..." He starts. "We didn't want to make you feel as if you were worth a penny, cause you're not. It's just that you're the youngest of the family, and we just wanted to make sure you didn't make the same mistakes we did. We're deeply sorry..." Dean had tears running down his cheeks.

"We're sorry we didn't tell you this but..." He took a turn for words. "Ava tried to pull a gun on us." My eyes widened and I felt a shiver down my spine. "Dean! I'm sorry!" I yelled dramatically and hugged him. I didn't even know Ava had done that, but I finally realized how evil she was.

"It's fine," Dean says. "Just don't be stupid next time..." Then one by one, everyone hugged me. I smiled warm-heartedly and I felt tears swell in my eyes. I didn't even know why I would think that--think that I would ever leave them. But now I have a mission...

I'm coming for you, Ava.

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