Chapter 8

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I cried so much I didn't even realize that Dean was in the room with me.

"Hey...I..." he couldn't find the right words.

"Whatever. I know your apology probably means nothing to you." I say bluntly.

"I'm really sorry though. I know this isn't like me." He says in sorrow.

But I'm not gonna fall for that easily.

I say nothing.

"Please, just say something." He begs helplessly.

"Maybe you should stop hating me! Then I'll start talking!" I yell.

Then silence floods the room.

"Well, Before I leave the room, I just wanna say I mean it. Really." He says and leaves the room quietly.

Then all of a sudden he screams in pain.

I ran over to him, only to see blood everywhere.

"What happened to you!?" I yell.

"Bomb. T-The weapon was a bomb." He weakly says and passes out afterward.

I look in his pocket to find the "weapon" wasn't there, meaning it had exploded.

I was surprised he even managed to live.

I yell for my brothers, and they came in a nanosecond.

Lucas came too.

When they arrived, they were horrified.

Then, Lucas grabs me by the shirt.

"If you did anything to him, I swear-"

"Lucas, I'm sure he didn't do anything." Ethan says softly, comforting him.

Lucas drops me and rolls his eyes.

"What happened?" Aaron asks suspiciously.

I told him what happened, describing the bomb.

"Is he still alive?" Lucas asks nervously.

Ethan puts his hand on Dean's chest.

"His heart's still beating." He says.

"We gotta go to the hospital. Now." Aaron says and carefully grabs Dean by his back and lifts him up.

I was scared.

Even though he hates me, he's still my brother, and I still partially care for him.

We quickly rush to the hospital and he got an appointment.

Then, the doctor had to leave us outside.

"Why are we outside?! We should be comforting him, telling him it's gonna be alright!" Lucas exclaims and hits his head on the wall.

"I'm sure he's okay." Aaron quietly says.

"Uh...Caden, you want some snacks from the vending machine?" Ethan awkwardly asks.

I nod and we head off.

"So, whatcha want?" He asks.

I point at the M&Ms.

"Okay, bud. I'll get 'em for ya." He says and gives the vending machine money.

I silently waited as he got the candy.

He hands it to me.

"Thanks." I say and smile.

"No problem." He says and smiles brightly.

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