Chapter 4

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I woke up—early this time—and went to eat breakfast.

"Hey Dean, remember last night when we looked at the stars?" I say, eyebrows up.

He looks at me and squints his eyes.

"Yesterday?" He asks suspiciously.

I nodded and smiled.

"You were super drunk last night." I explained.

His eyes started to fill with worry.

He bites his nails a bit and looks at me, then the floor, then the ceiling.

"Yeah..." He says and steps out of the conversation.


He had no clue.

"Hey." Ethan says.

I smiled and waved at him.

"Heard you stayed up. Did Dean get mad at you?"

I shook my head.

"He actually stayed with me, while I was watching television."
I say.

Ethan's jaw dropped and his eyes widened.

"Really?! He never does that!" He says in amazement.

"Yeah. It was insane." I exaggerate.

"Glad ya got some happiness in him," Aaron says and ruffles my hair.

"I'm going outside." I say and headed to the door.

"Make sure you be back in 10 minutes..." Dean mutters.

I walk out and headed to my favorite spot.

I sit down and sighed.

Then I went to sleep.


I woke up and looked at the sky.

"Shoot. It looks nighttime." I said out loud.

"It sure does."

I shriek.

"Dean! You scared me!" I say and hit him in the shoulder playfully.

"I told you to be back in 10 minutes." He says calmly,
but I could tell there was a hint of frustration.

"Sorry...I fell asleep." I say.

He sighs and does a facepalm.

"That's it. You're grounded."

I gasp.

"What?!" I yelled quite loudly.

"Yep." He says and nods slowly.

I grunt and headed inside.

"What's wrong little bro?" Ethan asks.

"Eh...Dean grounded me for a stupid reason." I say, obviously annoyed.

"What reason?"

"I fell asleep in the forest and he wanted me here 8 hours ago." I say.

"I mean, he's just tryna' protect you, that's all." He says.

Why is he protecting Dean?

He never does.

Or he shouldn't protect him.

I grunt more and headed over to Lucas' room.

We had made a room for him a few days ago.

Dean wasn't very fond of him.

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