Chapter 9

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"I know we should be happy that the police didn't catch y'all, but I'm still worried about Dean, and you guys should too." Lucas says slowly.

Aaron laughs and walks towards Lucas.

"You seem to really care about 'em, even though you've only known him for what? 3 weeks?" Aaron says.

Lucas looks away for moment.

"Yeah well..." his voice trails off.

"You know what? It's fine buddy, you ain't gotta say anything. I ain't gonna force ya." Aaron says and walks off to his room.

I started to think about what Lucas said, and yeah, we kinda should be worried about Dean.

He's been there for a good week now, and the hospital has not called us about him yet.

I walk to Aaron's room and sat alongside him.

"Hey. Lucas's right. We should be worried, and should go visit him now." I say quietly.

Aaron says nothing.

"...yeah. I guess you're right." Aaron says.

"But what about Ethan? He hasn't said one word since I hit dad." He continues in guilt.

This time I say nothing.

He hasn't been saying anything lately.

"I'll be back." I say and got out of his room to visit Ethan's room.

When I got there, Ethan looked sad.

Like, REALLY sad.

Usually he was calm and the type of guy who seems to not have a care in the world.

But he seemed so sad, it was abnormal.

"Hey Ethan?" I call out.

But he doesn't say anything.

Not a word.

"I can't believe he would hurt our father like that. It kinda made me guilty when he did that. Like if I did that. Like I hurt him." Ethan finally says.

I don't say anything.

Now he makes me feel guilty.

And even seeing Ethan so sad, it makes me sad too.

"Look, you remember all the horrible things dad did to us? He would beat us 'till we couldn't walk. That's why we had to do protect us. To protect you. You mean so much to us, and seeing you sad..." I say quietly. "It makes our world shift." I continue.

He looks at me, and I could see the happiness form slowly in his eyes.

He hugs me tightly and I felt the tears on my shirt form.

"And uh...maybe we should visit Dean." I say, completely ruining the moment.

"Yeah. We should." Ethan agrees.

We both walk out and find Aaron and Lucas already at the door waiting for us.

"Well cmon! We were waiting for like, an eternity!" Lucas exaggerates.

We all laugh and headed to the hospital by walking.

When we finally got there, Aaron demanded that we see him immediately.

"Oh yes. Of course. But I do warn you, his personality is slowly changing." The nurse said worryingly.

I was confused.

"Personality? Changed?" I thought.

I mean, how could that happen?

We all slowly walk to his room and prayed that he was okay at least.

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