Chapter 13

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I slowly headed back to the living room, but stumbled upon Lucas as I made my way there.

He was so bothered at something, but I couldn't tell what.

"Hey man, you okay?" I ask.

He shook his head.

"That girl we visited...She's not who she says." Lucas replies
with pure honesty—at least—I think he was honest.

"Really? Well, what do you mean?"

He looked down silently.


"She's a T-Twister..." He said as he started to look flustered.



I was at a lost for words.

But I knew he was telling the truth, considering that he used to be a Twister.

I sighed and looked at him in confusion.

"...Really?" Was all I could say.

He sheepishly nodded his head.

"Okay...don't tell my brothers, but I'm heading to Ava's house."  I say quietly.

He promises and watches me walk out.

. . .

When I arrived, I was just waiting to let out my emotions.

Ava opened the door and looks at me in confusion.

"We need to talk." I say bluntly.

She allows me and we sit down on the couch.

"You're a Twister." I say straight to the point.

Her eyes widened and she was expectingly surprised.

"I...don't know what you're taking about."

"I'm not mad, I'm just stating the truth. You. Are. A. Twister."

Ava looks around in embarrassment and finally looks at me.

"I'm not a Twister." She finally says.

"Hey Ava, could ya come over here?" A voice emerges out of nowhere.

To be honest, it kinda sounded like Pete.

" should probably go now," She says softly.

"Yeah. I probably should." I say as I leave awkwardly.

. . .

As I was walking home, a Lamborghini pulls up to me unexpectedly.

Twisters got out of the car like ants and walked up to me.

"Why were you talking to Ava?" Jayden asks as he rubs his fingers through his sharp blade.

I say nothing and shrugged.

They look at me and their anger increased.

"Answer me. Why were you talking to Ava?" He repeats.

"Don't know. Don't care." I say carelessly.

What was wrong with me?

They could literally take me out in a heartbeat, and no one would ever know.

Jayden balls up his fists and makes a punching gesture.

"You won't answer me? Fine. You're dead meat now, brother." He says and smiles as he runs toward me.

I didn't have time to think and just ran really fast to home.

Please let this nightmare be over with!

I didn't have time to run home and they eventually caught up to me.

They cornered me and Jayden slashes his blade on my cheek.

I screamed in pain.

I was already dumb enough to try to talk back to Twisters, and was now dumb-founded to be cornered by them.

"Stop!..." I finally muttered.

They laughed and Jayden held me up by my shirt.

"Do you seriously think I'll just let you go that easily?" He says and chuckles.

I was so scared, I imagined my death happen right in front of my eyes.

"Let go of me, you Sallow trash!" I try to toughen up, but I probably sounded weak to them.

They laugh even more like I was a joke to them.

I kick Jayden in the shin and he groaned in pain.

He let me go and I ran as I fast as I could to my house.

The Sallows tried to grab me, but I was too fast for them.

When I was finally home, I exhaustingly laid on the couch.

I was tired, so I didn't even bother to get up and walk to my bed.

I just laid there, processing the information that just happened.

I heard walking toward me and bolted up and tried to act like nothing happened, but I felt my sweat drip down me.

Dean came in and saw me straight away.

"Oh hey Caden, why're you up so late?" Dean asked quite softly.

"Oh nothing...I'm just here..." I tried to escape the conversation by looking down.

"You sure? You look tired, like, super tired." He asks again.

My cheeks turn red and I nod silently.

"I'm fine, thanks." I say and silently walked to my room.

Dean looks at me suspiciously, but didn't stop me.

When I laid on my bed, I fell asleep all the way.

No detail. I just went to sleep.

. . .

When I woke up, all my brothers were around my bed. I yelped and fell off. "Oh, sorry Caden. Dean just told us you were acting strange." Ethan says in concern. Of course he said that. He's just so overprotective. I thought, annoyed. "Are you okay though?" Lucas asks. I nod silently.

"Are ya sure?"

I then remember last night when I got attacked and panicked a little. "Uh...Yes! Yes..." I say and smiled a bit. "Cool. Then come to go get some breakfast at the table, thanks." Ethan added and they all walk off. I felt pretty guilty that I lied, but I didn't have a choice anyway. It was either getting whooped, or feeling uneasy.

I slowly walk to the dining room and sat down. "What do you want to eat today, kid?" Lucas asks firmly. "I have a name you know, teenager." I sarcastically say. He chuckles and explains to me that I am just a kid. "Yeah, but I have a name." He rolls his eyes and serves me pancakes. I eat like a dog and finished my meal in less than a instant. "Woah, chill. I don't want Dean to get mad at me." Lucas chuckles more. "Why would he get mad?" My voice was muffled by all the pancakes. "Cause he specifically wanted me to take care of you."

"Oh, you're lucky then. It means he really trusts you."

"Really?" Lucas sounded quite excited. "He trusts me?" He continues in excitement, but then tries to cover it up.

I nod and smiled. Usually Dean is the type of guy who's just so paranoid. So when he trusts someone, everyone goes nuts about it. "Well, that's good to know. Thanks for telling me." Lucas says and smiles at me. After that, I decided to go outside for a bit to get some fresh air. I walk out and just paced around my house for no reason.

Then randomly, that same, outrageous Lamborghini pops up to my yard. I take a step back and frowned almost immediately. we go again.

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