Chapter 5

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Ava walks by me again,

But I stop her.

"Hey, Ava?" I say calmly.

"Hm?" She turns around.

"I..." the words were stuck in my throat.

"I'm sorry." They finally come out.

"Like...REALLY sorry." I continue.

She looks at me.

And smiles.

And I felt...


"Thanks for apologizing. I accept it." Ava says and smiles even more.

I smile.

But I don't know if I meant it.

I shouldn't mean it.

I don't even know her well.

. . .

The next morning, I woke up and walked sleepily to the fridge for a snack.

Then, I found a note.

"Hey little bro. Me, Dean and Aaron decided to go somewhere. This is where we went.

Dean-Went to the nearest park for no reason.
Ethan (me)- went to the movies with Aaron.
Aaron- went to the movies.

If you're too scared to be alone, just call me.
See you later,


Eh. Maybe I'm just a little scared to be alone.

It's just that being around your brothers makes you feel safe.

And when they're all not here...

It just makes me a little paranoid.

But I think I'll be fine.

A few hours past by, and I'm still alone.

No one has bothered to call, nor has anybody came home yet.

Now I'm scared.

I pick up my phone, and call Ethan.

No reply.

I get a little nervous, and start to bite my nails.

Then, I tried to call Aaron.

Still, no reply.

I start swearing under my breath.

Then finally, I call Dean.


A voice replies finally.

"Do you know what happened to Ethan and Aaron?" I ask.

A moment of silence past by, before he finally answered.

"Nah. Why you asking? I thought they were at the movies."
He says. I could tell there was a hint of worry in his voice.

"Well...I tried to call them but they didn't answer." I explain.

More silence pasted.

"Hm. Meet me at the park. I'll see you." He says and hangs up.

I sigh.

"Let's hope they're okay." I thought.


I arrived shortly and found him sitting on the bench with some booze.

I sat next to him quietly.

I look over to him to see him looking down, unresponsive.

"Hey. You okay?" I ask.

No response.

"Probably wasn't a good idea to ask him that." I thought.

He sighs softly but still doesn't say anything.

I know it's a bad idea to ask him "are you okay" type of questions, but I'm determined to know why he's acting that way.

"Uh...are you mad?" I ask again, this time with a more sincere tone.

He looks at me but then growls a bit.


He doesn't SEEM mad.

He usually hits walls and curses when he gets mad.

But he just seems calm and stressed at the same time.

"Well, cmon." I take his hand.

"We gotta go find our bros."

Dean gasps.

"What are you doing?" He finally blurts out.

"We have to find our brothers, remember?" I say as we continued walking.

"I...I don't remember saying that." He says and puts his hand on his head.

"You don't?" I stop walking.

"Nah. Just remembered being here and drinking booze. This whiskey's good, you should try it." He stumbles a bit and puts the bottle close to my face.

I push the bottle away.

"Cmon....let's just go find them," I say and continued walking once again.

"Nooooo, I don't want to." He says and tries to slow me down with his foot.

I sigh.

"Why are you being so difficult all of a sudden?" I ask him.

He shows me his old whiskey bottle.

And then I remembered.

He's drunk.

"But why is he acting differently than when I last saw him drunk?" I thought.

"Hey, Cadet Caden, how 'bout we take a rest, huh?" He asks.

"Cadet. Really?" I say, annoyed by the comment.

"And we barely even walked." I continue.

I still continued walking, getting more frustrated each time he says an idiotic thing.

"So, when we gonna get there?" Dean asks for the millionth time.

"We are here!" I yell.

We walk inside the movies and tried to find which movie slot Ethan and Aaron were in.

Then finally, we found them.

They were safe.

The movie was just a little bit longer than it said to be.

And by a little bit, I meant a lot.

"Hey, bros!" Ethan says and hugs me and Dean warmly.

"Hey, Caden bro, who are these people?" Dean slurs his words.

"Uh...what's wrong with him?" Aaron asks and points at Dean.

"Drunk." I bluntly say.

"I ain't-" Dean then proceeds to throw up.

Ethan starts laughing wildly.

"Manners, Dean!" Aaron says a little aggressively.

"Since when did you care about manners, eh?" Dean asks and points his finger at Aaron.

Aaron grunts.

"Let's just go home." He says quietly.

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