Chapter 6

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When we were walking home, 3 Twisters appeared out of nowhere.

Ethan looked worried but tried to keep cool.

Aaron spits on the ground and leans on the light pole.

Dean just stands there looking stupid for the first time.

"Hello, Sallows. We're here to get revenge on you." One of them said as he pulled out a blade.

"Look, we ain't here to cause trouble. Just get outta here and we won't harm you." Aaron says with seriousness.

To be honest, he looked cool when he said that.

The Twisters all start laughing hysterically.

"Really? We're looking for a fight today." Pete—one of the Twisters—says and chuckles.

Dean glares at them but says nothing.

Then, Ethan steps up.

"Can you please just let us go? We didn't even do anything to you." Ethan says but quiets down when one of the Twisters makes a cut with their finger to their throat.

"Leave them alone." Dean says quietly.

"oh, yeah? And what're you gonna do about it, huh?" Pete says and walks towards him.

Dean doesn't move one bit.

He stays still as Pete starts to put the blade close to his

"hey! Don't lay a finger on him." Aaron says and clenches his fists hard.

Pete scoffs.

"Oh wow! You actually care about Dean? That's strange."
Pete says slyly.

"I thought he never cared about any one of y'all." he continues.

He then turns to Dean.

"You have a cold heart, anyway."

Dean hits Pete hard and stomps on his face.

"Hah! Y-You just don't want to admit it!" Pete says weakly as he kept being beaten up.

"that's enough!" Ethan grabs Dean's arm and pulls it away.

Dean growls but doesn't resist.

"Why don't ya let me at 'em?" Dean says drunkenly.

"Because you're crazy! You see what you did to Pete?" Ethan points at him.

Dean grabs Ethan's arm and pulls it away from him.

"Cmon cadet Caden, let's go home." Dean stumbles towards me.

I sigh, but agreed.

Aaron and Ethan were confused but didn't stop us.

Instead, they just kept talking crap to the Twisters.

. . .

When we arrived home, I sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

Dean sits beside me.

I then start crying.

"Hey hey, what's wrong brother?" Dean says softly.

"Our family is a wreck." I say quietly.

He nods.

"You're right. With this fight going on between the Twisters and the Sallows, who knows what could happen." He explains.

I look at him, eyes widened.

"Fight?! Why didn't you tell me there was a fight?!" I yell.

"Don't worry bro, we're gonna be just fine!" Dean says.

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