Chapter 12

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We all walk to Ava's house, all anxious about the outcomes.

I knock on her door and waited patiently.

. . .

She finally opens the door, but is surprised when she saw us.

"Uh...hi?" She says nervously.

I waved and asked her to let us in.

She hesitated but agreed and she let us inside.

When we were inside, Dean kept staring at the ground, unresponsive.

I nudged him to talk but he didn't want to.

"I can't do it. What if she's a spy or something?" He whispers.

I roll my eyes.

Is that seriously what he sees in her?

But I was utterly confused about Lucas.

He didn't say anything throughout the day ever since he saw Ava.

Is there something he knows that we don't know yet?

I walk over to Lucas.

He was pale and he was sweating nonstop.

"Hey, you okay?" I sat on the ground with him.

"Y-yes," He stuttered.

Dean then starts to turn his head up to look at Ava, and then he started to mumble to himself.

"So uh...Hi Dean." Ava says and smiles a little too brightly.

Dean says nothing and just kept staring at her.

There was an awkward silence before Aaron said, "Okay guys, I'm just gonna go..."

Dean grabs his arm just before he goes and he squints his eyes evilly.

"Get off me." He quietly says and takes his arm out of Dean's tight grasp.

"You're the most logical one here and you can't see anything suspicious about her. Nothing."

Aaron shrugs.

"Guess not." He yawns in boredom and sits down, before Dean grabs him by the shirt and lifts him up.

"You're lying right? You do see something that I see?" He asks like he was trying to convince himself that Ava was dangerous.

"No. So let go of me. Now." He says ever so calmly.

"Dean stop!" Ethan tries to pull his arms away, but failed to.

"Don't you guys see? That girl...She...she..." He finally lets him go and sits down on the ground afterward.

"...God, I'm sorry. I really am. It's just that...I hate when I'm wrong." He says slowly.

Aaron puts his hand on Dean's shoulder.

"It's fine brother. Now let's avoid this drama, okay?" He says comfortably.

Dean nods and they slowly walked out together.

"...sorry for the drama, bye!" I say as we all hurriedly run out the door.

. . .

"Caden Sallow, this is your 12th detention so far. What's going on with that?"

It had been the day after the whole "situation" with Dean, and the principal called me to her office.

"There's nothing wrong, I just hate school." I say as I sat down in the chair.

"Have your brothers not been taking care of you well?" She asks.

I nod.

"Yeah. But I gotta tell ya, all we ever do is get into fights." I explain.

She sighs and tells me she was going to call my brothers over here.

. . .

When they came, Aaron looked like he didn't even want to be here.

"Yep?" Dean says blandly.

"Your brother's been in detention for the 12th time now. Care to explain?" The principal asks for an answer.

"So?" Aaron says but then his arm gets aggressively punched by Ethan.

"Caden, why have you been going to detention?" He asks so softly that I felt like I wanted to talk to him forever.

"Minor reasons. Not bringing a pass, homework, blah blah blah." I was so annoyed that the principal called them here. She didn't even need to. It's just so unnecessary of her.

"Just let him go, aight? He hasn't done anything wrong." Aaron says and looks at his nails because he was so uninterested in the conversation.

"Oh but you're wrong. If he keeps getting detentions, he could get expelled." She explains thoroughly.

That's when their eyes all widened.

"What?!" Ethan was the most surprised.

He always thought that I was the best in my behavior, but hearing me getting expelled, he got really worried about it.

But Dean seems unamused.

"You're tryna scare us, huh? Well it ain't gonna happen." Dean snaps.

The principal raises an eyebrow and threatens Dean to take him back to the hospital.

Dean seemed frightened and finally kept his mouth shut.

"So, is this all understood?" She asks.

They all nod and headed off, cursing her out quietly.

I stood there awkwardly as I told her not to do that, to not threaten Dean, as it would cause a severe war between them.

Of course, she didn't even flinch, and told me to get out of her sight.

I slowly walked out and clenched my teeth in anger.

She's so evil.

. . .

When I finally got home, I launched myself onto the couch and breathed out slowly.

"Your principal sucks." Ethan sits by me.

I nod my head in agreement.

"She told me to stop getting detentions or else we're getting turned in to the police." I explain, trying to keep it together.

He does a facepalm and started to look frustrated.

"Yeah. She's really gettin' to Dean. He said he wanted to kill her." He said nervously.

I asked where he was and Ethan said that he was talking to Aaron about his problems.

And just like that, I went to Dean's room.

"Dean?" I call out.

Both Dean and Aaron look at me and asked me why I was here.

"Well...Ethan said that you were...distracted by my principal." I explain briefly.

"Oh, yeah. Tomorrow when you go back to school again, make sure to tell her that I'm coming to get her." He said and smiled evilly.

Aaron put his hand on his shoulder.

"And I'll be there to cover him," He says and also smiles, but in a nice way.

I looked at them and frowned a little.

I mean, I like a little violence sometimes, but killing them?

It seemed a little too far.

"Are you sure you want to kill her...?" I ask Dean with a nervous sigh.

He nodded slowly.

"Why? You like her or something?" He stares at me firmly.

I shook my head many times.


"That's what I thought. Now scram." He said and shooed me with gestures.

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