Chapter 15

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"Who's that?" Lucas asks. "It's Caden's stupid principal, that's who," Dean growled. I sighed. What does she want from me now? The banging on the door got louder and louder until Aaron couldn't take it. "Okay, Okay! We'll open the door, Jesus!" Aaron yells and furiously opens the door, indeed revealing my principal.

"Hello, Caden. Hello, idiotic brothers of Caden." She says and cracks a smile when Dean got angry. "What now?" Ethan asks but not in a mean way. "Simple," The principal says. "I've come here to arrest your brother Dean." My eyes widened. "What?" I question her. "What is wrong with you...?" Dean says and tried to hit her, but she miraculously dodged the attack.

"Why can't we talk in a more...friendly manner?" She asks but I could tell that she was lying. "Because you're literally turning us in!" Ethan tries not to be mean, but his voice was loud and clear. "Wait! Let her talk." Aaron stops all of us.

We all paused and looked at the principal, waiting for her to talk. She looks at all of us and smiles. "Yes yes...So, what I want you all to do is to help Caden study for school or else..." Her voice trails off, but still is smiling. "Dean's taking the hit." I froze.

"No!" I yell. She gets startled and steps back, but realized how puny I was. "Caden, this is for your future, so be grateful that I'm even doing this for you." The principal reasons. I was so frustrated, I wanted to cry so hard. "If you even touch Dean..." It was Lucas' time to be mad. It seemed like he didn't care about anything else except Dean.

"Oh yes...And who are you?" she asks, confused. "None of your business, now leave before I get you." Lucas threatens. She doesn't seem impressed though. She just chuckles a little and steps out of our door. "You have 4 days. Help Caden study or else..."

She seemed so mysterious and just walked out as nothing happened between us. Dean sighs deliberately and kicks a chair furiously. "I hate her!" He screams. "Chill! It's all over Dean," Aaron says. "No...It's not..." He finally calms down. "We're here for you." I say and smile at him. But he didn't notice. "I'll be in my room. No one except Lucas can go in. Now leave me alone for a bit." Dean walks to his room and slams the door.

Why can Lucas only get in there? I don't get it. I thought. "Hey Lucas, why can you only go in there?" I ask with a hint of anger. He shrugs. "I'm not sure," I kind of got jealous at that point. I mean, it's not fair that only he can go in there. But instead of being the 14-year-old self I am, I just left it as it is and went outside.

. . .

As I sat on the cold, hard ground of the Earth, I started to wonder, How did Lucas end up here? It's strange to think of that, but it just randomly popped up in my head. I mean, he did say that he got abandoned by the Twisters but...WHY did it happen? Was it something he said, maybe did?

Guess we'll never know...

. . .

"Caden, get in the house, it's not safe for you to stay out here!" I hear Ethan say worryingly. I jumped up and walked inside. Once I got inside, I hear Aaron arguing with Lucas again. Saying that "Aaron's a better brother and he knows that Dean can take care of himself and," "Lucas knows what's best and that Dean shouldn't face anything alone," I exhale slowly. "Are you serious?" Is all I said. Ethan nods. "Yep,"

I walk up towards them and yelled, "Can you guys just stop?!" They both look at me and quieted down. Ethan was shocked but didn't say anything. I then hear Dean sigh quietly in his room. "Sorry..." Lucas apologizes, but Aaron doesn't let out a peep. I give him a glare but nothing comes out of him. "Nope, not gonna apologize to this fool," Aaron says and chuckles, but I keep glaring at him until he had no other choice but to apologize.

"Thank you," I smile. "Um...also...Ava came by today..." Lucas blurts out. "Huh?" I was confused. Why would she come here? "Why?" I ask in confusion. "She says that she'll be with you if you join the Twisters..."

"What?!" We all say. Dean comes out of his room and was also confused.

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