The Emerald Forest

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Gojira: Who's there?!

Just then a red dot appeared in the bushes, a ursa jumped out of the bushes, and bit his arm, shattering his aura.The grimm had a tight grip, and began to draw blood from Gojira's arm, he planted his foot agienst the Grimm's chest and kicked it off. His regeneration began to kick in and healed his wounds. He ran the the grim and swung his blade at the Grimm's head, the wing shattered its head and it immediately turned into dust. He took a deep breath, and began to walk away, until he turned around to see six more pair of red eyes. He sighed and took stance agian as the ursa pack rushed at him. He was able to get two clean hits eliminating one third of the grimms. However, one of the ursas attacked his side causing him to be knocked into a tree. He used his katana to pull himself up, he regained his breath and rushed at a ursa and slashed at its throat, decapitating it. Another ursa roared at him, it began to run at him, but as it ran, the ursa's back was hit by Gojiras tail knocking it down, before Gojira jumping on to it's back and stabbing its nape. He rushed at the last two, he knocked one down by kicking the bottom of its chin, he used his tail to launch himself at the other ursa and punching the ursa straight in the face shattering its mask like face. Before it could completely dissolve he ripped of its arm, and stabbed its claws into the last ursa's throat. He took a deep breath before continuing his search for a partner.

After a few minutes of wondering he couldnt find anything. Until while he was walking he heard a nearby bush shaking. He traced the bush and readied his katana. A beowolf jump out and was about to strike him until a scythe was thrown at the grimm impaling it.

The grimm roared in pain as it tried to pull the scythe out, The scythe had a glowing red blade, and a black base. A women with black hair and red streaks walked out, sully focused on the soon to be dead grimm. She had a black jacket and a white tank top, with bandages wrapped around her stomach. However the two most notable things about her are her read eyes, and her long red gloves.

 However the two most notable things about her are her read eyes, and her long red gloves

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She grabbed the scythe and pulled it out of the grimms chest, as the grimm fel forward she flipped her weapon transforming it into a handgun, and unloaded a bullet into its head

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She grabbed the scythe and pulled it out of the grimms chest, as the grimm fel forward she flipped her weapon transforming it into a handgun, and unloaded a bullet into its head. As the grimm dissolved infront of her she noticed Gojira and immediately pointed her gun at him.

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