The fall, the awakening, and the failure

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Gojira charged at Gojin as she began to unload a large amount of missiles from her front launchers. Gojira took the missles, it didn't hurt too much, but he could definitely feel the sting as scales came off of his side. Gojira began to push Gojin back, as he bit down the robot's neck. Kiryu retaliates by opening her mouth revealing twin mazer cannons inside, and blasting him in the eye.

Gojira screamed in pain and grabbed the mech by the neck and tossed her. Gojin used her thrusters however to safely allow herself to land and get ready for another ranged attack. She roared and missiles all around her pack began to shoot out and hit Gojira directly in the chest. Once the explosions and dust clears, Gojira sees Gojin's missile pack hit him in the waist and forced him back as it explodes. Gojira lifted himself back up and looked at his cybernetic mother.

Gojira: 'I'm holding back too much. I can't fight her as Gojira, I... I need to be Godzilla, not Gojira.'

Godzilla's dorsal plates began to charge up as he was getting ready to shoot her with an atomic breath. However, Kiryu raised her forearms towards him and began to constantly shoot him with railguns, as well as with her mouth mazor cannons. Godzilla started to walk through the never ending attacks and bit down at her neck and grabbed her by her waist and began to lift her up. He slammed her down into the ground and stomped on her chest. He started to charge up an atomic breath, Kiryu struggled to get out of Godzilla's grasp.

Godzilla shot down an atomic breath at Kiryu, only for her to shoot her beam as well resulting in an explosion that launches the two back. Astrid summoned some crystals and began to deliver some energy for Godzilla in order to help him heal. Kiryu, now with an eye shattered, and some wires sticking out of her neck roared as her chest opened, showing everyone a machine that was charging up a large blue sphere. Spacegodzilla's eyes widened as she hovered in front of her brother and summoned her reflective shield. The sphere launched and hit the shield and was reflected into multiple buildings completely freezing them.


Ruby and Weiss were currently helping team JNPR with the large grimm and were cutting at its feet. Weiss used ice dust and froze its legs in place, while Ren, and Jaune slashes its heels. While Ruby, Pyrrha stabbed its front and Nora smashes its back causing it to be impaled and crushed at the same time. The large grimm then dissolves, and the two teams are left exhausted.

Just then a large blue sphere passes by above them hits multiple buildings making them all practically turn into ice.

Jaune: What was that!?

Pyrrha: That came from the mech.

Everyone looks to see Astrid's Spacegodzilla form now slashing away at Gojin's full mech suit. 


Anna and Maria were flying around slashing away at the hound like grimms, while Miya was dealing with the white fang.

Anna was using her Ghidorah heads to lift up multiple of the grimms in the air and to have Maria cutting in half.

Maria: There's too many of them here!

Anna: They're attracted to the negative emotions here! We'll need to kill these and seal the breaches!

Maria: Easier said *grunts* Then done!

Anna and Maria continued fighting the Grimm until Maria finally stored up enough energy and used her semblance killing off all the hound grimms in the area.

Maria: Let's help Miya!

Anna: Wait!

Maria stopped and looked at Anna confused.

Remnant's King Vol 1-3 (Godzilla x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now