A date with fire

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I SOMEHOW got out of my writer's block, and so here I am. So here's the new chapter, enjoy.

Everyone had just finished watching all of the marches for the day. Some of the best highlights was Nora smashing the entire enemy team out of the arena, and apparent Neptune's official fear of water. Gojira was walking with his team and sister as they decided to head to their dorms, in order to get some rest for tomorrow, as two of them will be heading to the duo matches. Of course Astrid isn't allowed to fight as she isn't officially part of the team. As they were walking Gojira noticed Cinder and her teammates walking by. Gojira looked at Astrid, she noticed as well and gave him a slight nod.

Gojira: Hey guys, I'm gonna head out to vale if that's okay with you guys?

Miya: huh? Why?

Gojira: I need more dust. And I'm going to have to sharpen my katana, so I also have to head out a get an old friend to sharpen it.

Anna and Miya looked at him with suspicion, but they're thoughts were interrupted when Maria said something.

Maria: It's fine. We'll see you later!

Gojira: Alright. I'll see you four later. Gojira kisses his girlfriends on the cheek before waving them goodbye and leaving them.

The two girls were confused that Maria just let him go.

Anna: Are you not gonna question him? Last time he was alone he fought Torchwick.

Miya: Yeah, for one I agree with blonde here.

Astrid: She trusts him because they're connected.

Gojira's queens turn to see Astrid smiling at them.

Astrid: She'll know if something's wrong.

Maria: Yeah, exactly! My wings will let me know if he's okay!

Anna and Miya look at each other and sighed.

AM: *sigh* Okay.


Over with Gojira, he was currently walking over to Cinder and her partners. He didn't lie to the girls. He did want to buy some more Dust recently, and his Katana has gone a bit dull. But he needs to talk to cinder. So he figured he could kill three birds with one stone.

Gojira: Hey guys, how's it going?

The three misfits turn to see Gojira with his katana over his shoulder.

Mercury: Hey man.

Emerald: Hey Goji.

Cinder: Did you need something Gojira?

Gojira: Well, I'm gonna head down to Vale for a bit. You guys wanna come?

Emerald: Actually we're sorta bus-

Cinder: You guys could stay, I've been meaning to go to Vale for some time.

Cinder's henchmen looked at her in shock.

Mercury: What?

Cinder: I have some business to attend to at Vale as well, so it would make sense if I go with him.

Gojira: Why is there a problem?

Mercury tried his best to hide his growl, but it got noticed my Gojira and Cinder. However the two ignore him.

Gojira: Come on we only have a few hours it's best we get to the bullhead. Cinder nodded and began to follow him as the two headed to the bullheads.

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