Talk with your "Family", and the unloyal

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The next morning. Team GAMM were heading to Ozpin's office. Once they arrived, Gojira was tackled by a blur of white pedals. Gojira looks to see Summer Rose, someone who he could consider to be his mother, hugging him. He looks around to see Ruby and Yang in the back, along with Tai, Raven and Qrow all snickering.

Summer: How's my baby boy!? Its so good to see you!

Gojira: Summer please get off me…

Summer: Nope. Not till you say it!

Gojira: *sighs* It's good to see you Mamma Summer, now can you please get off?

Summer: See, was that so hard?

Summer quickly gets back up and dashes over to Tai. Raven then walks up to Gojira and wraps her arms around him in a hug.

Raven: Hey son.

Gojira: Hey momma raven. You're doing okay? 

Raven: I'm doing fine, but i should be asking you that. I didn't see you yesterday.

Qrow: Where were you kid? We came by yesterday and didn't see you.

Ruby: Yeah! You should've seen it Uncle Qrow bust up the courtyard!

Gojira sighs.

Gojira: I was in vale buying some more dust. And secondly why am I not surprised.

Qrow: Hey, you make it out like I always do this.

Gojira: You know why. You Branwen twins tend to cause the most trouble.

Raven: You're seriously bringing me into this?

Gojira: Well mama bird the reason we were banned from multiple bars, is because you and Qrow would get in arguments and destroy the place. Next thing I know I'm dragged into fights punching almost every goon I see.

Anna: Wait, you would go to bars?

Maria: And you would get into fights?

Miya: I'm somehow more attracted to you than before. Gojira looks at her. What? It's not that I dont love you. Its just I'm really attracted to you right now~. Anna slaps the back of her head

Gojira: Oookay, so why did you guys need to see me?

Ozpin: Well, we needed to discuss who you are legally.

Gojira: What?

Tai: Basically, are you still part of our family?

Gojira: Once agian.What? 

Ruby: What do you mean? Of course he's still a part of our family!

Yang: Yeah! Where is this even coming from!?

Ozpin gestured to the corner of the room behind them. To show Astrid sitting there with arms crossed. Yang looks at her as her eyes flare read and her hair starts to burn.

Yang: You!

Astrid: Hello. I already thanked you parents for taking care of my baby brother already. So I'm taking my brother back.

Ruby: But-!

Summer: Rubes… don't be selfish.

Ruby and Yang look in shock that their mother is letting someone, who not too long ago tried to kill them, take Gojira away.

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