Ch.1- First Day

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A/N:💃Hey sexy people of planet earth!😯This is my 4th fan fiction of 1 Direction!🙊Yes, I do keep track.

😛I know u all r probably thinking that there r MILLIONS or BILLIONS of Teacher pet stories of 1 Direction.😜 Yeah, I know.😏If u don't like this story, plz check out some of my others!🙎i got 4others !🙋

🙀I hope u enjoy it!😸


Louis P.O.V

Summer vacation just ended. The school year just began. I enter my class room, A13, with the chit-chatter of Summer vacation. I sat down at my desk and began the class.

"Morning class, I'm Louis Tomlinson. I will be ur English teacher for this semester." I said in a booming voice. "Morning Mr. Tomlinson." They recited. I didn't even ask them to call me that, but oh well.

"Let's start off today with a writing activity..." the class groaned, "about u. It doesn't have to be about plants or history or Dora or ur neighbor or math or anything except u!" I said, trying to make it sound fun. I heard some cheer as others clapped and began writing.

I walked down the aisle, observing everyone as I walked down. I past a dirty blonde boy who was scribbling down words like no tomorrow. i think his name is Niall. All the teachers got a sheet filled with there students names and a picture beside it.

I looked at the desk beside it where there was a curly haired boy with his head on the desk. "Excuse Mr. Styles," the hair gave him away or who he is, "we do not sleep in class." I wasn't trying to sound mean but I needed to do my job.

He raised his head and looked up at me. "Sorry Mr. T." He said. I simply nodded as I continued walking when a boy with dark brown-almost black-hair caught my eye. I walked closer to see if he was doing the writing activity.

He was, just not writing. It seemed like he was drawing a picture.

I walked back to my desk then starred at the clock. I love my students deeply but I wish time would tick faster.


The bell went off. "Okay class, please turn in ur journals up here." I said. One-by-one they all turned in their journals then left.

I began to flip through each one reading many different stories about each one. Lots of them involve teen drama and break ups. How does Degrassi have to do with themselves?

I picked up the lad named 'Niall' journal. I read his very closely, even though it really wasn't written as a story but he still did it. That's what counts.

9/24/12 'ME'

•I'm from Ireland.

•My Irish accent is very thick.

•My 2 best friends are Harry & Zayn.

•I love food.

•Green is my favorite color.

•Nandos is the place to find me at anytime!

He seems cheerful.

I continued going through the ret of the journals and found Zayn's.

There were no words, endless u included the date. There were 3 drawings of 3 girls.

(Picture displayed on the side👉)

Now how does that have to do with him? I didn't know how to grade it so I just put it to the side to talk to him about it tomorrow.

I finally found Harry's journal. There wasn't much to read. I don't even know if this is a full sentence.

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