Ch.7- A Song

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Harry P.O.V

My shift finally ended. I was exhausted. Then again, when am I not? I hoped into the back seat of Louis's van. I was half a wake when he pulled up in the drive way.

"Harry...Harry, were back." I heard Liam's voice. I opened one eye. I saw his dark brown eyes. They remind me of how Niall loves pudding. At least, I think he does. "I got ya." Liam picked me up. He brought me into Louis room and tucked me in. "Sleep in tomorrow." Liam said before leaving.

I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Louis P.O.V

I sat down on the couch. Liam came after me, carrying Harry in his arms like he was his bride. I turned on the tv and began to watch-what ever was on at 10:30 night.

"so the song is for whom?" Liam walked in. "I wasn't planning on it to be for someone." I answered. "could u please admit it's for Harry." Liam sat beside me. He slid his hand down to my inner thigh.

"no Li, I can't." I said pushing his hand away. "then tell me who the song is really for." Liam leaned in. Our lips brushed against each others. "Li, no." I backed away. "it's for him, isn't it?" he began to walk like a sexy cat toward me. "Liam, please. Ur going to wake him." I begged. "is that what ur really worried about?" he asked. Before I could answer him, he smashed our lips together.

He sat on my lap with his legs around my waist. Liam shifted back and forth, side to side making me moan. "Liam, I can't." I broke the kiss. "u can't have sex with him, so why not me?" Hs shot me flirty smile. "Liam."

"just this once?"

"if we wake him, he might think I am some sort of man whore."

"he will want to join in."

"not tonight Liam, I'm sorry." I stood up and walked into the kitchen. "FINE, BE THAT WAY! I HAVE MARTY." I shouted at him. I was a bit upset, but we were going to end up waking Harry. I continued sitting there and stared at the ceiling.

Harry P.O.V

I couldn't help but over hear Liam and Louis talking. I got out of Ned and wander over to the living room. Liam was sitting on top of Louis.

"if we wake him, he might think I am some sort of man whore." I heard Louis say. He seemed a bit nervous. "he will want to join in." Liam said. I smirked. Of course I would want to join in. Who wouldn't?

"not tonight Liam, I'm sorry." Louis said be for standing up and walking into the kitchen, dramatically. "FINE, BE THAT WAY! I HAVE MARTY." Liam shouted.

I walked over to Liam and sat beside him. "oh, sorry Harry. Did I wake u?" he asked in concern. "no." I said with a smirk on my face. "why are u looking at me like that?" he asked me confused. "I couldn't help but over hear u and Louis's conversation."

Liam's face turned bright red. "was I not suppose to?" I asked. "I honestly don't care if u heard it or not..." Liam trailed off as he looked over at the kitchen.

"I have a question for u." Liam said seriously. "okay. What?"

"u have to answer me the truth."

"okay, sure."

"do u have a crush on Louis?"

I have no idea of how to answer that question. I looked around to see if he was in sight. "Uh, yeah." I said blushing. "Perfect." Liam grinned as he got up and walked away. That was a bit odd.

I got up and went to my room I shared with Louis. I later under the covers but didn't pull them over me. I closed my eyes.

Moments pasted and I felt warm hands tuck me in. I opened my eyes a little. It was Louis. "Oh, sry Harry. I didn't mean to wake u." He apologized. I closed my eyes.

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