Ch.11- a Sketch

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Louis P.O.V

I was finishing the last of the journals. Who new there was so much to say about a name? Harry was still a sleep and Liam was working. Wasn't he working last night? I never know what he's up to.

I was eating cereal that was in the cabinet. "Do I have school today?" Harry walked in. "Yes, it's Wednesday. Tomorrow is ur test...quiz thing. Ur quest." I answered him. "Aw man." Harry groaned as he sat down.

"Can I ask u something?" I questioned Harry. "Sure." He sipped his tea. "What were all those slashes from?" It became dead silent. He didn't say anything. "The bathroom." He finally answered. "Why?" I asked. He shrugged. "If ur wondering, I saw the not u read. Niall and Zayn brought it into me." I stood up and gathered the rest of my things.

"It was because of the note." He said. "Why would u do it?" I asked. He got up and gave me a hug. I think I already know why. Poor thing. I can't image beng in so much pain. "Get dressed, we can't be late." I patted him on the back. I ran to the car and waited.


"Morning class." I walked in. Everyone seemed upset. Why? Wasn't stricted, was I? Did I do something to hurt them? "Morning everyone." Principal Damnsworth walked in. I sat down in my seat as she began to talk. "All of u were a part of yesterday's incident, except for Zayn Malik and Niall Horan. Please apologize to Mr. Tomlinson." She instructed. "Sorry Mr. Tomlinson." They all said. "No need to say anything Mr. Tomlinson." Principal Damnsworth held up her hand. Wasn't planning on saying anything.

Harry walked in. Everyone stared at him. Nobody was scowling at him. They were nervous stares. The kids no more then I do. "Apologize to Mr. Styles." Principal Damnsworth instructed. "Sorry Harry." They all said. She walked out.

"U got off easy Harry." Jessy crossed her arms. "Let's not be harsh." I stood up. "Do u not know who that was?" Zac asked me as Harry sat down. "The Principal." I said dumbly. "She can be so strict!" Nathan pointed out. "She threatened to whip us yesterday." Megan said. "Apparently we all know different Damnsworths." I said sitting down.

"Today's writing assignment will be...what u want to be when u grow up. " I said as I passed put the journals. They all began to wrote like crazy. Zayn was drawing a picture. I haven't seen that in a while. I glanced over and saw it. It's Niall. Zayn's gay? I would've known.

I continued walking and saw Harry's paper. Blank. He was acting like he was writing. I patted him on the back and leaned down. "U know grades close on Friday. Then the next set starts next week." I whispered to him. He imediately began to write like crazy.

I sat back down when my phone went off. This time, I had it on vibrate. Good thing! It would've have interrupted the silence. They have never been this quiet since...who knows when! I took out my phone. It was from Liam. What does he want?

"Just wanted 2 remind u tha Haz has work. ~Li"

"When? ~Lou"

"4 - 7 @ night. ~Li"

"K, thx. ~Lou"

"Luv u! ~Li"

"Luv u 2~Lou"

I put my phone back, right as the bell rang. That was fast. "Zayn." I pulled him a side as everyone pasted by, "why did u draw that picture? The one on the first day of school of the three girls." U thought I forgot, didn't u? "Where did u find those?" He didn't sound mad nor upset, just shocked. "I knew I drew those." He cheered. Am I missing something? "They were in ur journal. Why did u draw them? Why did u draw Niall?" I questioned him. He began to blush like mad when I said Niall. "My cousin liked my drawings so I drew her 3 times in different ways. I didn't relies that it was in my work book." He explained.

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