Ch.3- The Restaurant

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Louis P.O.V

I parked and walked in. Of course, Liam caught me and ran up to me. "Where have u been?" He sounded all commanding. "At work." I answered dumbly. "Wow, u were gone for a long time my friend." He said. "How was that long?"

"Ur student beat cha."

"By how long?"

"An hour."

"Ur joking, right?"

"No. He got here at 2:15. U got here at 3:15."

"That was fast."

"Can u pease sit up t the bar?"

"It's a school night."

"So? U don't have to drink anything."

"I know, but we both now that if I do I sit up there, I will."

"Okay, whatever u say."

"When does ur shift end?"


"U r expecting me to stay here for 3 hours?"

"No, I was expecting u to come and work on ur school work stuff."

"Okay, but I doubt that it will take me 3 hours to do."

"As long as u stopped by, it made my day." He hugged me then walked away. I sat down at empty table when a familiar boy walked up to me. "May I take ur order?" It was Harry. He didn't make any eye contact with me. "I'll just have a coke, thank u." Harry scribbled it down then looked at me. I shot him a smile as I opened one of the journals. "U read those?"

"U work here?"

"I asked first."

"Yes, I do read these." I glanced up at him. He immediately blushed. "What is it?" I asked, having a feeling I know the answer to that already. "I just...I don't think u read the journals." He blushed even redder. "I didn't think u worked here." I said. Harry shot me a grin before walking off.

I read through the journals. Everyone's was different. I was expecting t least one persons to be the same as another's, but no.

"Here is ur coke Mr. Tomli-"

"Pease call me Louis after school hours."

"Okay, Louis. Here is ur coke. Anything else I could get u? Maybe some food?"

I thought for a moment, then realized something. His journal.

I picked it up and flipped through it before I answered him. "I guess I will have a grilled cheese." I set down his journal revealing the page of today's. Harry's cheeks turned read. "B-Be right u-up." He almost tripped over his own foot steps. I chuckled a bit.

I continued flipping through the rest of the journals, not finding to much of an interest in them.

Harry P.O.V

I know I should be relaxed and all because I wrote what I wrote in my journal, but it's a bit odd facing and talking to him as he reads it.

I shouted out the order as the chefs immediately began to work on it. "What's the matter, Beary?" One of the workers, Marty, asked. "My teachers here." I answered him. "Oh, that ain't never good."

"I know."

"My advice to u is not to make any eye contact."

"Okay, thanks."

He nodded and walked off. That was some strange advice. I guess he didn't have any teachers like Louis when he was

I got Louis's order and brought it over to him. He was reading something on his phone making him laugh. I wonder what it is.

Louis P.O.V

Lets just say, Liam can make me smile no matter what mood I am in!




"Wanna play would u rather?😈"


"Would u rather prefer (•)(•) or /*/?"


"🍎🍎 or 🍆?"

"😍 🍎s but...what is 🍆 called?"

"I thought u were 💗👬💗?!"

"I am"

"So why did u choose the 🍎s instead of the 🍆."

"Well is an sorry if I have no idea what u r talking about!!!😕"

"(•)(•) are boobs and /*/ is suppose to be a dick."

"Lol, very creative!"

"I know😂 I gotta go, just got caught."

"K, luv ya!😘"



Oh Liam! I looked up and saw Harry standing there. "Here is ur meal." He set my grilled cheese on the table. "Thank u." I said. "Ur very welcome." He said, making no eye contact.

"Don't u look at ur costumers when u talk to them?" I wasn't trying to sound rude. "I got other tables to take care of." He stormed off. That was a bit odd. I went back to flipping through journals.

Hours past and I ended up falling a sleep when Liam woke me up. "My shift just ended, lets go home before it becomes pit black outside." He said with a huge smile. "Okay." I packed up my stuff and walked out to my car.

"I'll meet u at the flat." Liam said before walking to his car. "Okay, see ya." I said.

I thought I felt a pair of eyes on me so I looked around. Harry caught my eye. He was looking my way. As soon as he saw me and immediately turned away began to walk.

"Wait, Harry!" I called after him. I found myself walking towards him. "Yeah?"

"Need a ride?"

"I'll just walk."

"U sure? I have time."

"No, I'm just a waste of time. U get home."

"Come on, it's getting dark outside."

"Okay." He sighed. We walked back to my car. Harry sat in the passengers seat as began to drive.

It was a silent car ride until Harry began to lead me to we're his house was.

"Thanks Louis." He said before closing the door. "Anytime." I said through the window. I watched as he walked into the house. I didn't want to look like a stalker, so I drove away fast.

"Liam, I'm home!" I shouted as I entered the flat. "Liam?" I called out. "Bed room." He answered. I dropped my stuff on the coach and ran to the bedroom.

"Hey!" I said as I walked in Liam was sitting on the bed with his arms crossed. "What's wrong Li?" I asked as I sat beside him. "Oh nothing, just was worried that u didn't come home a half hour."

"I was dropping off Harry."

"Why didn't u contact me?"

"I didn't know u were going to be so worried over it."

"I'm just glad u are safe." He hugged me. "Why were u worrying? U know I was going to come home, I said I was." I stated. Liam shrugged then looked up at me.

"I'm going to take a shower, I have class tomorrow." I got up and headed into the bathroom, leaving a tired Liam on the bed.

Harry P.O.V

That was nice of Louis. I walked into my flat and ran upstairs quickly.

I flopped onto my bed, I'll take a shower tomorrow sometime.


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